Please help by adding reliable sources. Neither Beeland Interests, Inc. The Dog Bone Portfolio. Business Insider Inc. He also stated that this is how America and Europe used to be. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall Beeland Interests or any of its affiliates or agents have any liability for any lost profits or indirect, punitive, special or consequential damages or losses, even if notified of the possibility thereof. He chose not to move to Chinese cities like Hong Kong or Shanghai due to the high levels of pollution causing potential health problems for his family; hence, he chose Singapore.
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James Beeland Rogers Jr. Rogers is the Chairman of Beeland Interests, Inc. Rogers does not consider himself a member of any school of economic thought, but has acknowledged that his views best fit the label of the Austrian School of economics. Rogers was born in Baltimore, Maryland and raised in Demopolis, Alabama. In , Rogers graduated with a bachelor’s degree in History from Yale University.
Sanction threats investmrnt Russia sent shockwaves of panic across the world of investment. So, what are these prospects? How are sanctions affecting the financial balance of power? We ask these questions to a renowned investor and businessman — Jim Rogers is on SophieCo today. SS: Jim Rogers, renowned investor, businessman, author, welcome to the program, great to have you with us. How painful do you think the consequences could be for Europe and US?
JR: Unfortunately America seems to have really bungled this whole thing very badly. Putin seems to have outsmarted Mr. Why do you think the US got involved in the first place? Why did they get involved in the first place?
Because we have incompetence investmet the State Department, in Washington. I guess they thought that they could take over control of Ukraine, which will give America more influence in central Europe and would certainly damage Russia, but in the end it seems to have strengthened Russia and has damaged America.
You know, politicians make mistakes; bureaucrats make mistakes all the time. Looks like this time it was America that made the mistakes, and not Russia. Where does the economy come in? You know, Russia used to sell a lot of gas to Europe, it still does, but if they stop selling natural gas to Europe, and sell it to Asia — that is not good for Europe, and, ultimately, not good for the US either, because the US and Europe are huge trading partners.
SS: George Soros proposed opening up US strategic oil reserves to drive the prices down in effort to hurt Russian economy. Now, is that feasible? Is punishing Russia worth tapping into those reserves? It might make the market go down for rofers day or weeks, roggers two weeks. JR: No. America says it could, but it would take a long time for America in order to get natural gas from America to Europe.
Europe uses a lot of natural gas, and America at the moment seems to have surplus of a natural gas — will they have a surplus in five years? Will we have enough to supply Europe gas for many years? I doubt investent. Do you think Ukraine will ever be able to pay that money back? JR: Pay it back to the European Union? No, I doubt it very seriously. I think this will be just a form of foreign aid from Europe to Ukraine, if they do it. What are they expecting out of this whole affair?
I mean, how do you attract investors to the country when there is civil war raging between East and the West? It just does not make any sense to me, and as I said earlier, it seems to be hurting America now, rather than helping America, since the consequences have not gone the way they thought they.
SS: But do you think the West has failed to isolate Russia politically and economically? Or is the West going to end up isolating Russia at the end? SS: What all of this means for the dollar? So where does that leave dollar? This is just a continuing long-term move away from the US dollar.
We have a huge balance of trade deficit; we have huge government deficits, because we can print more money. The Pentagon, the Defense Department of the US has already said that the deficit in the US is a major potential weakness from the military point of view. This is not me, this is the Defense Department of America, infestment this is the Space Agency of America saying these things. SS: You are known to invest in places where others will not dare to, and right now you seem to be putting your trust in Russia — why now, when all the instability in Ukraine is causing the ruble to fall, investors are extremely scared and cautious?
SS : Listen; why not invest in Ukraine in that case? Someday, of course, I might invest in Ukraine, but not. SS: So what are you thinking — how soon will all this political turmoil blows over for the Russian market? A month, a year? Is it right? JR: I buy the Russian index, which is a basket of Russian shares.
And usually, when something like that happens, stock get weak, at least for a. But it often does. Even with a possible third wave of sanctions? JR: No, of course. SS: With all these numerous trade deals, signed in Shanghai, do you think it will lure investors back to Russia, reassure them?
JR: Yes. SS: Well, we hope. Are we going to see more Asian giants sign economic deals with Russia, you think? Putin says he wants to have Moscow a major financial center. And just by trying they are going to make Moscow more attractive. Whether it works or not in years? SS: Talking about years: I know your children have been learning Chinese from very young age. Is that where the future is, in China? JR: In investmenr view, China is going to be the rogers investment index important country in the 21 rofers century, whether we like or not.
Again, this move of Russia more towards Asia just reinforces that whole trend of China becoming more and more important in the world.
SS: Why are you investing in Russia, then? Or are you investing in Russia and China as well? JR: Well, Russia is one of the most hated stock markets in the world, perhaps second only to Argentina, which is hated.
I have learned, when things like that happen, they usually put it cheap, Russia has a convertible currency, has a very low debt, has lots of resources, and when the stocks get knocked down, I started investing. Listen, I was very bearish on Russia for forty six years of my life.
JR: I first went to Russia in ! And came away pessimistic, and was pessimistic for the next 46 years. SS: So, when was that moment that actually changed your mind? You remember? JR: No, no, it was not anything specific; it was a series of events. I went to Vladivostok; I saw what was happening in Vladivostok. I saw changes, I went to Moscow a couple of times, I saw changes taking place… I heard some of the government officials and what they were doing, how they were setting up investment funds to invest with foreigners, so that everybody would either make money or lose money.
SS: I want to ask one more question about China. But, it might at some point, like all markets do — so when that happens, how do other world markets protect themselves, is it even possible? If nothing else, the people who do business with China, invsstment be suffering.
If Japan has problems, it affects some people. That is extremely unusual. SS: Alright, Jim, thank you so much for this interesting insight, for your advice. We were talking to Jim Roegrs, renowned investor and businessman, author. We were talking about whom the sanctions can benefit and also why should people invest in Russia and not Dogers.
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SS: Yep. SS: So when did you first come to Russia? Where to watch. RT News App. All rights reserved. Accept cookies.
Rogers International Commodity Index — Total Return — ETF Tracker
The Financial Times. BPS Books. In September Rogers was appointed by VTB Capital as an advisor to the agricultural division of its global private equity unit. James Beeland Rogers Jr. The value of this basket is tracked via futures contracts on 38 different exchange-traded physical commodities, quoted in four different currencies, listed on nine exchanges in four countries. It is currently one of his bestselling books. In Aprilhe received the honorary Ph. InSoros and Rogers both left and founded the Quantum Fund. This article has multiple issues. American writer. For other people named Jim Rogers, see Jim Rogers disambiguation. Without limiting any of the foregoing, rofers no event shall Beeland Interests or any of its ibvestment or agents have any liability for any lost profits or indirect, punitive, special or consequential damages or losses, even if notified of the possibility rogers investment index. He chose not rogers investment index move invetsment Chinese cities like Hong Kong or Shanghai due to the lndex levels of pollution causing potential health problems for his family; hence, he chose Singapore. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Retrieved October 22,
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