Super Steps uses three options — Growth, Balanced and Stable see below — to transition your savings from predominantly growth assets to predominantly income assets over time. Complaints and Disputes. Each of the other four options Growth, Balanced, Stable and Cash Plus has a different mix, largely split between growth and income assets. Super Steps is the default investment option. Reports to Parliament.
Compare superannuation
The fund is only available to current and former employees. PSSap offers an investment menu of 3 Diversified options and a Cash option. Fees are lower than the industry average across all account balances assessed. A full suite of insurance cover is offered through the fund’s lifePLUS cover, with the default insurance arrangement, lifePLUS auto cover providing investmen members with aged-based Death and TPD cover, as well as income protection cover, upon joining the fund. The lifePLUS choice cover allows members to customise their insurance, with the LIFEapp enabling members to get a quote and apply for additional fixed cover online.
Types of PSS superannuation accounts
In finance , a default option , credit default swaption or credit default option is an option to buy protection payer option or sell protection receiver option as a credit default swap on a specific reference credit with a specific maturity. The option is usually European , exercisable only at one date in the future at a specific strike price defined as a coupon on the credit default swap. Credit default options on single credits are extinguished upon default without any cashflows, other than the upfront premium paid by the buyer of the option. Therefore, buying a payer option is not a good protection against an actual default, only against a rise in the credit spread. This may explain why such options are very illiquid.
Super Steps
In financea default optioncredit default swaption or credit default option is an option to buy protection payer option or sell protection receiver option as a credit default swap on a specific reference credit with a specific maturity. The option is usually Europeanexercisable only at one date in the future at a specific strike price defined as a coupon on the credit default swap.
Credit default options on single credits are extinguished upon default without any cashflows, other than the upfront premium paid by the buyer of the option. Therefore, buying a payer option is not a good protection against an actual default, only against a rise in the credit spread. This may explain why such options are very illiquid. They may also feature quite high implied volatilities, as shown by Damiano Brigo However options on credit indices such as iTraxx and CDX include any defaulted entities in the intrinsic value of the option when exercised.
This is expressed at times by stating that the options offer «front-end protection». Proper inclusion of front end protection complicates index options valuation, see for example Claus M.
Pedersenor Pss default investment option and Morini From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Risk Magazine. Lehman Brothers Quantitative Credit Research. Brigo, Damiano and Massimo Morini The no-armageddon pricing measure and the role of correlation after the subprime crisis».
Second Conference on the Mathematics of Credit Risk. Princeton University. Archived from the original on Derivatives market. Derivative finance. Forwards Futures. Energy derivative Freight derivative Inflation derivative Property derivative Weather derivative. Categories : Options finance Credit risk Economics and finance stubs. Hidden categories: All articles with links needing disambiguation Articles with links needing disambiguation from December All stub articles.
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Our default investment option
Circumstances change, and when they do you should review your investment choice. Investment options We offer five investment options. Photo: Dominic Lorrimer. Employer workshops. Pension payments. Meanwhile, UniSuper’s accumulation plan — another fund that covers many Canberra employees — topped the industry for balanced accounts inreturning 9. The result was the ninth best among about 50 standard, or «balanced», funds in the industry, according to SuperRatings. About SSS. The investment mix changes on 1 April pss default investment option year, not on your birthday or the anniversary of the date you joined the scheme. Member Login. Open Access Information. Investmejt Search. Did you know you can investmeny for payment of your benefit at any time on or after you reach your eligible retirement age? Defult comparison, the average return was 6. Reports to Parliament.
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