Medical Professions Advisory Committee. Printing Services. Special Collections — LTS.
Wellesley investment office College strives to be a responsible investor. In the discharge of its fiduciary duty, the Board is mindful of the role that endowment returns play in the Investmment accomplishment of its own socially significant mission. The Board is committed to investing in a manner consistent with the College’s mission, ethics and principles. To that end, the College invests only with managers who meet high ethical, investment, operational and performance standards. The Subcommittee on Investment Responsibility Investmeentis composed of Trustees, faculty, staff, and students and is responsible for proxy voting and making wellesley investment office to the Investment Committee related to shareholder responsibility.
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Wellesley College
Wellesley College strives to be a responsible investor. In the wellesley investment office of its fiduciary duty, the Board is mindful of the role that endowment returns play in the College’s accomplishment of its own socially significant mission. The Board is committed to investing in a manner consistent with the College’s mission, ethics and principles.
To that end, the College invests only with managers who meet high ethical, investment, operational and performance standards. The Subcommittee on Investment Responsibility SIRis composed of Trustees, faculty, staff, and students and is responsible for proxy voting and making recommendations to the Investment Committee related to shareholder responsibility. Trustee members of the Subcommittee and the Subcommittee Chair are appointed annually by the Trustee Chair.
One staff member is appointed to the Subcommittee by the Nominating Committee of Administrative Council, and the Chief Investment Officer appoints one member of the Investment Office team. In all cases, the groups responsible for appointing representatives are asked to make two-year appointments, on a staggered basis where the group is responsible for appointing multiple representatives, to maintain continuity in Subcommittee discussions.
The Board of Trustees believes that proxy voting can encourage corporate actions that enhance shareholder value and reflect the College’s values. Considerable resources are devoted by the College to responsible proxy voting.
The Subcommittee on Investment Responsibility SIRwellesley investment office of trustees, students, faculty and staff, sets the College’s proxy voting policy and votes any proposals that are not covered by the policy. It reviews and amends the proxy voting policy annually. From time to time College community members may request that the Board invest endowment assets in a way that expresses specific social values. The SIR also may make recommendations directly to the Investment Committee on issues that are raised by Subcommittee members.
Skip to main content. Investment Office Responsible Investing. Responsible Investing. Subcommittee on Investment Responsibility The Subcommittee on Investment Responsibility SIRis composed of Trustees, faculty, staff, and students and is responsible for proxy voting and making recommendations to the Investment Committee related to shareholder responsibility.
Proxy Voting.
ABC Capital Investments Office Tour 2018
Cheever House. We share the responsibility of collaboratively investing the endowment assets, as opposed to operating in silos. It’s growing pretty quickly, and there’s a lot of research and resources out there being put into furthering the capabilities of machine eellesley. Both organizations have a mission invextment investing on behalf of important stakeholders, and both groups have a long-time horizon. And we have a variety of other programs that are designed to provide opportunities for the women to have internships and wellesley investment office with the asset managers and institutional investment firms in the area. I believe that machine learning is still maturing. Wellesley Centers for Women. Summer School. Friends of Athletics.
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