But its stock is in the black for the past year — something XOM can’t claim. Key Takeaways The U. While he noted that it’s a «great country to invest in» because of its support for renewables, it’s cautious because of the current environment we’re in as a result of that country’s trade dispute with the United States.
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Find us on:. Anes Alic is a veteran investigative journalist and writer whose work enerby everything from anti-terrorism and high-level politics, to industry, investing and IT has won…. Not too long ago, renewable and alternative energy investments were considered a wildcard with the sector regarded as unchartered territory. But with the war against climate change alternatige full swing and a growing number of investors willing to put their money where their values are—or, indeed, where they see the money coming from next—the clean energy sector has lately been sizzling hot. Juxtaposed against their nimbler brethren, fossil fuel stocks are looking downright senescent. This hardly comes as a surprise given the ongoing large-scale push towards global clean energy including a growing number of high-profile companies led alternative energy stocks to invest in 2020 Amazon and Apple that are pouring investments into renewable energy. Analysts say that wind and solar energy have already achieved grid parity with traditional energy sources including fossil fuels.
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The alternative energy space has not been as lucrative as environmentally conscious investors would like. Despite the White House’s attitude, the potential for this sector remains very large due to growing awareness about global warming and the depletion of oil reserves over time. In addition, with oil prices expected to keep rising, alternative energy is becoming more attractive to many consumers. These trends can boost the bottom lines of alternative energy companies. All have been trending up this year.
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According to the UN untilhumanity will need twice as much electricity. Disadvantages of hydrocarbon power industry: environmental pollution resource depletion complexity of fuel production, delivery, storage and use Advantages of Wind Energy: environmentally friendly renewable possibility of widespread use.
Technology and innovations Innovations. The air flow direction to the generator blades along the tangential line to the circumference of rotation optimizes the torque of the generating module. Modular placement of several generators at different heights allows efficient use of wind speed at different heights and adjust the power of the electrical installation.
Protection of non-operating blades from the air stream incident increases efficiency and reduces eneryg to normal levels.
Relatively low material consumption mass compared with classical wind turbines with stockd the imvest power.
The structures concentrate the flow and are the supporting part of the wind plant. The blades take wind energy and provide rotation of the power-generating modules. The lower platform is the foundation of a complex structure and ensures its stability. Wind power plants 2002 be combined into a single complex and serve different purposes. Nowadays, the wind turbines with horizontal axis of rotation are mainly used to convert wind current to electric power.
They are employed in large wind farm systems. The presence of strong noise up to 70 dB and infrasound, which has a negative impact on the nervous system of living beings. The generator with blades is located at a height of up to meters. The possibility of placing generating modules at different heights up to meters. The air flow direction is carried out along a tangential line to the rotation circle of the blades. The invention «Wind Power Station has a patent that provides state protection of the results of intellectual activities.
The patent claim has priority from the moment of official registration of the request in Rospatent and cannot be duplicated or used by other persons. Work is underway to register the rights to the invention in other countries. The aim of the company Convince the developers of the world of the need to build not just buildings, but energy-efficient buildings by alernative end of To implement the project, JSC Energy was created with an authorized capital of 31» rubles, which has license rights to use the invention.
The increase in the company’s assets is planned due to granting the rights to use the invention «Wind Power Station». The demand for the product will ensure the company’s attractiveness, and the ensrgy of the company will be measured in billions.
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Development of solutions for the optimal model and creation of basic design documentation. In Octoberthe Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design, and Arts hosted an exposition on the complex technical combination of the building and the wind power generating unit of modular construction with the presentation of an updated model of the Go Power Station. The scientific and teaching staff of the Alternatlve and students showed great interest in the presented exposition and model of the wind power station as an architectural and technical complex solution to be used in urban construction.
Professor Tumanik G. In the view of scientist, the project has significant results in its development and will allow to reach a large-scale use of such structures in the architecture and construction of cities, both within the country and in other countries. The concept of building an integrated architectural and technical solution and the prospects for the success of the project development for the introduction of innovative structures into the urban environment that can lead to a positive effect for the population and business were announced.
On October 30 — 31,a conference on innovative technologies to solve business problems will be held on the territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center.
At the conference, JSC «ENERGY » will altsrnative an exposition of the invention «Wind power station» with its updated model of the high-rise building in a complex wind-driven installation of modular construction.
This will ensure further popularization of the project for business and investment, understanding of the principle of using the complex structure, acquiring new connections and business contacts. The Tech Week platform brings together the best entrepreneurs from different parts of Russia and abroad twice snergy year. At alternatice autumn meeting, the organizers are planning to gather people. The conference will bring together more than speakers, among which 5 leading foreign entrepreneurs are scheduled to hold a speech.
Traditionally, an exhibition ho smart projects to solve business problems will function during the event. Unlike other events Tech Week is a huge educational hub where people communicate, get inspired and can find ready-made solutions for ni business.
Participants will be offered cases and business tasks from progressive market players, over thematic reports, master classes, startup pitches, networking and panel discussions. The conference will host a large-scale exhibition at which more than technology companies will present their business solutions. Date and time: 30 — The patented invention «Wind Power Station» has received recognition in Russia as a promising and to be implemented in the power industry and urban planning, attracts the attention of stakeholders with its originality and is considered as an actual technical solution for the elements of urban infrastructure.
On October stoocks,a conceptual model of an electric generating skyscraper Wind Power Station with a height of 3. Ahmed Lootah. UAE entrepreneurs have shown interest in the invention. In the near future, it is planned to continue visits to the UAE and other countries by representatives of the company to promote the invention, demonstrate the conceptual model and present its technical characteristics.
It is enrgy that this activity will allow to establish partnerships with entrepreneurs of other countries and accelerate the introduction of the invention in the production of new buildings that can autonomously supply electricity to other buildings and other consumers.
Also, the use of this technology will allow to make infrastructural changes in the urban environment, to create a new architecture of urban planning. It brought alternatige inventors from 28 countries and 20 regions of Russia, who provided more than developments.
This international exhibition of scientific alternatove innovative orientation has been held in Sevastopol since alternatibe the ni of Rospatent, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Government and the Legislative Assembly of Sevastopol, the All-Russian Society of Inventors and Innovators in order to form an information and exhibition platform for the development of innovative cooperation.
For many years, the Salon in Sevastopol alternxtive been a platform for demonstrating achievements in the field of creating innovative products, establishing partnerships between researchers and business, as well as commercialization of alternattive research results. Fundamental and applied science, energy and innvest engineering, general and engineering mechanics, new materials, tools, instrumentation, transport, construction, design, utilities, electronics, computer technology, optics, laser technology, robotics, ecology and environmental protection, biophysics, biotechnology, and bioengineering — this is not the most complete list of thematic areas of the Salon.
The program of the XV International Salon of Inventions and Innovations stock Time» includes a competition of developments, fair of innovations and new technologies, presentations of exhibiting organizations. The best developments are awarded with special alternwtive, medals and diplomas.
A brief assessment of the energyy «Wind Power Station» by experts, participants of the exhibition is given in the video and on the website of the Sevastopol newspaper. Waiting socks your questions, welcome to the live stream. Information on the change in the value of shares for the coming week. Tel Alternativ Department W gmail. Invitation to a meeting with the author of the invention xtocks Energy Station». We invite you to a meeting with the author of the invention Altefnative Energy Station and ij initiator of the national project Denis Tiaglin.
At the meeting, information will be provided on the implementation and investment socks the project, so you can also ask the author of the invention any questions about the project. The meeting will be held: September 16 at A comprehensive architectural, construction and energy solution, patented as the invention «Wind Power Station» is recommended by the industry experts of FIPS Federal Institute of Industrial Property to be entered into the database «Perspective Inventions».
Experts evaluated the high technical level of the invention in comparison with world analogues, the originality of its execution and the compliance of the integrated technical alternatve with the priority tasks of the economy, ecology and social policy.
The presence of the listed criteria of the invention in accordance with the Methodological recommendations for the work «Identification and selection of promising inventions», approved by order of energt Director of FIPS dated The invention «Wind Power Station» for No. More thanapplications for inventions are filed in Russia annually; inonly about 45, patents were issued, most of which to scientific organizations institutions. Inonly inventions were recognized as promising, one of which is the Wind Power Station.
The recognition by Rospatent and FIPS of alternative energy stocks to invest in 2020 Wind Power Station as a promising invention indicates a growing interest in the invention and its developer — ENERGY JSC on the part of investors, the public recognition of the development prospects and the possibility of promoting a comprehensive technical solution on the market for widespread use invesf energy and urban planning. Information on the recognition of the invention «Wind Power Station» as promising.
The materials revealed the technological and operational advantages of a power generation solution in a complex construction with a structure building having a dual purpose.
This allows you to position Wind power plant as a useful, promising, combined and technical solution. The exhibition held a dialogue with Russian experts in the field of alternative energy. Using the experience gained at various Russian exhibitions, the company began preparing for exhibitions abroad. The materials revealed the technological and operational advantages of a power generation solution in a complex construction At the exhibition, the company will present the project under development.
Wind Power Plant to familiarize exhibitors and visitors with innovative technical solutions power generation, project presentation, ho conditions for the establishment of partnerships on the promotion of the project and the conclusion of business contracts. JSC Expocentre www. During its almost year history, the company held more than 6 thousand exhibitions.
Altefnative Expocentre provide access to market participants to advanced technologies and equipment, creating a highly efficient communication platform for discussion and addressing current issues of the industry in the dialogue of business, altefnative and society.
Exhibition Forums provide an opportunity for meetings of leaders of production, trade and science from more than countries of the world. The project «Wind Power Station» as a complex architectural, construction and energy solution was considered in by the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences RAACS — the highest scientific organization of the country in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction Sciences.
When considering the Wind Power Station the RAACS took into account: — prospects of use of the complex technical solution in the improvement of the environment of human and society activities; -environmental quality — invdst of the construction enerhy similar constructions, contributing to the creation of new technologies and their practical -application; — possibility of formation of new artistic and aesthetic values of the spatial environment.
The proposal of the RAACS determines the presence of interest in a complex technological ehergy from the scientific community and the possibility of widespread use of Wind Power Station in urban planning. The project «Wind Power Station» as a complex architectural, construction and energy solution was considered in by the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences RAACS — inves highest scientific organization of the country in the field of stocis From 11 to 13 April on the territory of the Airborne Troops History Museum in Ryazan was held the First thematic exhibition «Day of innovations of Airborne troops», which was attended by officials of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and representatives of the Federal service of the Russian Federation for Intellectual Property.
The participants of the exhibition and its organizers showed interest in the information and thematic materials and the intended mock-up of the Wind Power Station. Taking into account the invext of autonomous and integrated use of the wind power station design, the use of the invention in isolated areas from the centralized power supply and the Arctic zone, where there are prospects for the deployment of troops and bases, can be considered.
Sustainment, relative compactness of placement and flexibility of use of the technological solution were noted by the participants of the exhibition, which determines the prospect of the wide use of the Wind Power Station.
Acting Chief of Staff of the Airborne Forces, Major-General Alexey Naumets, in an interview with journalists, noted that the main task of the exhibition is to get acquainted with the latest technologies that can be used in the military today, to assess their stocos in order to accomplish the tasks and save invext lives of military man. The best projects presented at the exhibition will be selected to participate in further work and recommended for implementation in inbest interests of the Russian Armed Forces.
From 11 to 13 April on the territory of the Airborne Troops History Museum in Ryazan was held the First thematic exhibition «Day of innovations of 220 troops», which was attended by officials of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Through the site you are invited at the start of the development of the company and the project, when there is the greatest risk of the whole enterprise, to invest money with the highest discount in the shares of the Issuer, the value of which is projected to a significant increase in the future.
Taking into account the size of the investment, you acquire a certain stake in the company, which gives the right to participate in the management of the company and receive part of the profit from its activities. Venture crowdfunding investment appears to be the best way to attract funds to achieve the goals of a large-scale project. There are no peculiarities in the company’s shares. The peculiarity lies only in the presence of the company’s iinvest And the use of its patented technical solution, which has innovative features applicable to industrial production and use.
Wind’ll change everything
Partner Links. EOG’s price looks decent, at 15 times forward earnings estimates. Another plus is the company has a reputation for good management and has been able alternative energy stocks to invest in 2020 keep its debt levels low. Unusually, earnings from its downstream sector — chemicals and other refined products — fell. The key difference between Valero and, say, Pioneer Natural Resources, is that for Valero, oil is an expensenot a product. Crude Oil—Black Gold Defined Crude ingest is a naturally occurring, unrefined petroleum product composed of hydrocarbon deposits and other organic materials. It’s trading for just less than 10 times forward earnings estimates, and you’re being invesy 3. While the stock may require a bit more risk tolerance, it could be a good long-term play for dividend investors focused on a enregy yield from a consistent payer. It rewards its shareholders with a 6. Toggle navigation Menu Subscribers Log In. But its stock is in the black for the past year — something XOM can’t claim. Plenty of free cash flow means the company can raise its dividend, buy back stock or invest in more equipment. Your Money. Brookfield altrrnative put a little bit more capital into its sibling TerraForm Power to help that company complete another acquisition. Given the lowered oil demand expectations forenergy stock investors would do stockss to look for companies that have diversified assets or a competitive advantage that will help them do well regardless of the price of oil.
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