No information published on the local Union Investment website constitutes a solicitation or offer, or recommendation, to buy or sell any investment fund, or to conclude any legal act of any kind whatsoever. Categories : Financial services companies established in Investment companies of Germany establishments in West Germany Companies based in Frankfurt. Union Tech Ventures invests in Mobility and Retail technology companies developed by Israeli-related entrepreneurs. Trade name. Skip to content. Network Our network of connections within the retail and mobility sectors, allows entrepreneurs access to expertise and the ability to test and validate their ideas. Our long term approach and private ownership allow us to focus on companies looking to develop and grow disregarding short-term considerations.
Und aus Ihrem Tipp 50 ,— Euro. Sie suchen detaillierte Informationen zu unseren Investmentfonds? Hier finden Sie alle Fondsprodukte, die Union Investment anbietet. Unser Risikoprofilcheck und der Anlageplaner helfen Ihnen weiter. Alle Fonds anzeigen. Wir helfen Ihnen gern weiter!
Important legal information
It was founded in and is headquartered in Frankfurt. The Union-Investment- Gesellschaft mbH was the third German investment association to be founded, on 26 January , by 14 credit unions. The UniFonds stock fund was created the same year as its first open-end fund. The first offering of investment vehicles outside Germany was in , in Belgium. Since , Union Investment has offered management of investment accounts.
Persons who access information on the website of Union Investment agree geoup the following terms and conditions. Any special agreements with respect to services or products of Union Investment shall be complementary invdstments these terms and conditions, although in the event of any conflict, the provisions contained in any such special agreements shall prevail.
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Use of the Union Investment website The entire uniln of this Union Investment website is subject to copyright with all rights reserved. With any saving or otherwise copying from the Union Investment website the terms and conditions for use shall be deemed to have been accepted.
All property rights shall remain with Union Investment. You may not reproduce in gropu or in parttransmit by electronic means or otherwisemodify, link into or use for any public or commercial purpose the Union Investment website without the prior written permission of Union Investment.
Sale of goup units to US citizens or sale within the United States. The information contained here and the funds managed by Union Investment are not for sale in the United States and are not intended for sale to US citizens. This applies to persons who hold US citizen ship as well as persons who are resident in the United States. Furthermore, this ruling also applies to partnership as well as corporations established under the laws of the United States unkon America or one of its federal states, territories or an overseas possessions.
Back Close. Sie befinden sich hier:. Important legal information Persons who access information on the website of Union Investment agree to the following terms and conditions. No offer, no obligation No information published on the local Union Investment website constitutes a solicitation or offer, or recommendation, to buy or sell any investment fund, or to conclude any legal inveetments of any kind whatsoever. Sale of fund units to US citizens or sale within the United States The information contained here and the funds managed by Union Investment are not for sale in the United States and are not intended for sale to US citizens.
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Important legal information
The Union-Investment- Gesellschaft mbH was the third German investment association to be founded, on 26 Januaryby 14 credit unions. Limitation of liability Union Investment disclaims, without limitation, all liability for any loss or damage of any kind, including any direct, indirect or consequential damages, which might be incurred through the use of or access to the Union Investment website, or any links union group investments third-party websites. Sale of fund units to US citizens or sale within the United States The information contained here and the funds managed by Union Investment are not for sale in the United States and are not intended for sale to US citizens. The UniFonds stock fund was created the same year as its first open-end fund. Sie befinden sich hier:. Unless otherwise stated, all figures are unaudited. Network Our network of connections within the retail and mobility sectors, allows entrepreneurs access to expertise and the ability to test and validate their ideas. Our wide network of connections, long-term expertise and insights within our areas of focus help us support our portfolio companies to develop on a global scale. Furthermore, this ruling also applies to partnership as well as corporations established under the laws of the United States of America or one of its federal states, territories or an overseas possessions. You may not reproduce in whole or in parttransmit by electronic means or otherwisemodify, link into or use for any public or commercial purpose the Union Investment website without the prior written permission of Union Investment.
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