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Record companies investing in private prisons

record companies investing in private prisons

It was about an art form reduced to product placement, the selling of a lifestyle, and ultimately, a huge ad for imprisonment. The labor union is calling on pension funds to divest from private prisons. A proposal before Congress would expand a provision that gives small governments and districts access to cheaper financing. But their talent is bein shaped for negative influences not the struggle and to win. July 26, at pm.

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record companies investing in private prisons
The labor union is calling on pension funds to divest from private prisons. Divestment, though, is controversial. Justice Department Exposes Gruesome Conditions These companies, AFT alleges, profit by paying workers less and providing lower quality services than public institutions. Therefore, AFT argues, investing in private prisons poses not only moral risks, but also public relation and political risks that make their viability as a long-term investment questionable. AFT points to the hundreds of lawsuits filed against private prison operators over the years, including more than alone against Correct Care Solutions. Paez recently said. Short of divestment, AFT urges pension funds to engage with CoreCivic and the GEO Group to demand that they adopt policies to ensure just and humane treatment of detainees and proper oversight.

Spending to protect its contracts—and its Republican allies.

This website uses cookies. Read RT Privacy policy to find out. Applications RSS. RT Shop. RT Question. Home USA News. Get short URL. Follow RT on. The largest for-profit private prison operators in America have a sales pitch, and boy should you hear it. The Corrections Corporation of America is the largest private prison company in the US and has only grown in recent years.

With over 60 facilities across the United States, the corporation has thousands of detained prisoners within its walls from coast-to-coast. Why should you care, though? Because an investment in the inhumane caging of convicted criminals means more money for you! The CCA has made available a virtual tour of its Metro Davidson County Detention Facility for potential investors, and it got the editors at Business Insider curious as to what kind of opportunity a little Corrections Corp.

After unearthing a slideshow that serves as a sales pitch, the CCA exposes an eye-opening — and indeed worrying — look into not just how the prison industrial complex continues to thrive off of arresting Americans, but at how the prison system in America at large, private or otherwise, is perhaps not as pretty as you even would have imagined.

More and more states are selling off their facilities to private prison companies like CCA, claims the company, and in turn investors are profiting handsomely. Why are the states selling out, though? Does record companies investing in private prisons mean investing in private prisons will help the CCA afford more buy-outs and make conditions better for detainees?

The CCA is currently in the midst of a sales pitch with 48 state governments in hopes of adding those institutes to their list of facilities, but under a contract exposed by RT last month, those prisons must be able to guarantee at least 90 percent occupancy during the tenure of a contract with the CCA for them to consider the purchase.

While private prisons account for around one-tenth of the jails in America, the CCA has seen the number of facilities under their watch grow in recent years, seeing a As profits have gone up, so have prison populations. According to the CCA, those numbers are only expected to climb higher. So resistant, in fact, is that the CCA says they thrive off of bad economic times. How can someone be so sure that investing in the imprisonment of a fellow citizen is a worthwhile bet?

In recent years the federal prison system has seen an influx of prisoners, in part, argues the CCA, to the growing number of incarceration for immigration-related offenses. Probably not. By acting now, however, putting some money behind the CCA could prove to be a portfolio addition that any investor will be happy to have down the road.

And if the CCA is wrong? Well that just means more hard economic times, more recession and — ideally — even more over-populated prisons down the line! Media News. Troy Davis executed. Mumia Abu-Jamal won’t get death penalty. Where to watch. Mumia — political prisoner? A gives America the middle finger. Jailing Americans becomes a profitable business.

Anonymous takes on prison industrial complex with latest hack. RT News App. All rights reserved. Accept cookies.

But some argue politics shouldn’t guide investment decisions. January 11, at am. We are the people without a voice and slave mentality. James Houston says:. If we have those aspirations. None of this is exactly breaking news, but when ownership of these media conglomerates is cross checked with ownership of the biggest names in prison privatization, interesting new facts emerge. March 6, at pm. Latinos comprise the majority of incarceration increases in what year? Mag Promo Independent. Money, guns, sex are the constant themes in Hip Hop. Support our journalism Help Mother Jones ‘ reporters dig deep with a tax-deductible donation. Kentucky’s New Pension Law Marks Unprecedented Reforms Critics say it could weaken the state’s retirement system, which is already the worst-funded in the nation. Chris Thompson says:. Two months later an anonymous email was sent out to various members of the music and publishing industries giving an account of a meeting where it was determined that hip-hop music would be manipulated to drive up privatized prison profits. In your mailbox. Neville Ross says:.


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