Read more. As with any smaller firm, there are growing pains and some internal processes need to be defined and refined. Pros People are awesome, and super friendly! Clean office, in great location. No limit to the upside revenue potential. Although I enjoy the offices open layout, it does provide for higher levels of work interruption at times.
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Capstone Investment Advisors. Watch yourself with. They «were interested» in me and asked me to write a plan for the work. All of a sudden after receiving the plan, they were no longer interested. I learned they advisros this to one other person as. They have no leadership, have no clue what they are doing and have no ethics.
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Create Job Alert. Bank of America. New York, NY 24hr. Going beyond portfolios and investment strategies, youll consider a clients entire, complex financial… Get training and one-on-one mentorship from managers who are invested in your success. Youll enroll in our Consumer Academy to develop….
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Capstone Investment Advisors. Advisods yourself with. They «were interested» in me and asked me to write a plan for the work. All of a sudden after receiving the plan, they were no longer interested. I learned they did this to one other person as. They have no leadership, have no clue what they are doing and have no ethics.
Hard pass. I have been working at Capstone Investment Advisors full-time for more than 3 years. Well. Long hours, well below average pay. Lie about bonuses or for that matter what the job would entail.
Misery and tears all. Training is good for my entry level Consensus-driven culture generally a good thingwhereby every decision is taken by committee, can sometimes lead to numerous back-and-forths and long decision times Dramatic company growth in the past couple of advusors putting lots of pressure on infrastructure.
Lack of upward mobility, lack of personal growth, unclear, ill-defined career path. Some people in positions of power lack management skills Compensation and yearly raises are well below industry average Highly specialized roles with limited transferability Tedious work Turnover is high among invsstment employees.
Very political Long hours. Incredibly high turnover Poor technology infrastructure Poor employee morale Short term decision making by management. Invest in the hiring process to identify higher quality candidates both for investment and non investment staff.
I have been working at Capstone Investment Investmentt full-time glaxsdoo less than a year. Take serious people and moreover give training about trading research Specially equity research not only basic training along with software training.
Your response will be removed from the review — this cannot be undone. This will replace the current featured review for targeted profile. Are you sure you want to replace it? View All num of num Close Esc. How does your company compare? Get a free employer account to respond to reviews, see who is viewing your profile, and engage with your candidates. Overview Overview. Follow Add a Review.
View Jobs. Search job titles Find Reviews Filter. Clear All English. Job Function. Job Status. To filter reviews, Sign In or Register. Close Your trust is our top concern, so companies can’t alter or remove reviews. November 5, Pros foundations investment advisors glassdoo opportunity to work with brilliant people -Incredible exposure to powerful finance executives -Great culture, friendly people -Unparalleled learning experience. Cons No cons that I can think of. Advice to Management -None needed.
Flag as Inappropriate Flag as Inappropriate. July 16, Current Freelancer — Candidate. Doesn’t Recommend. Pros None as far as I see. Cons Watch yourself with. Advice to Management The word is getting out on acvisors. Join the Capstone Investment Advisors team. See Our Latest Jobs.
October 7, Pros Huge bonuses, huge bonuses, huge bonuses ye. Cons The long elevator ride and too many buttons. Helpful 1. November 3, Current Intern — Anonymous Intern. Pros The culture is excellent, tons of community events and everyone is both friendly and helpful. Cons As with most hedge funds, the expectation of long hours is.
February 8, Former Employee — Anonymous Employee. Pros seeing how things should NOT have to be. Understanding better what I do NOT want out of the job. Cons Well. Helpful 4. February 22, Pros Training is good for my entry level Consensus-driven culture generally a good thingwhereby every decision is taken by committee, can sometimes lead to numerous back-and-forths and long decision times Dramatic company growth in the past couple of years putting lots of pressure on infrastructure.
Cons Lack of upward mobility, lack of personal growth, unclear, ill-defined career path. Advice glassvoo Management. Helpful 3. November 6, Pros Good location, okay working hours. Cons Work gets tedious as little chance for progression, underpaid and terrible management. December 7, Foundagions Employee — Vice President. Cons Incredibly high turnover Poor technology infrastructure Poor employee morale Short term decision making by management.
Advice to Management Invest in the hiring process to identify higher quality candidates both for investment and non investment staff. September 9, Pros Unlimited opportunity to earn.
No money has to be invested. Cons Initial stage Around 1 year has to pass with peanuts. Advice to Management Take serious people and moreover give training about trading research Specially equity research not only basic training along with software training.
July 1, Pros Great people, flexible and professional. Rapidly growing and focused on growth oppurtunities. Advice to Management Great Company, but HR needs to be more responsive and adaptive to the contract environment.
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Pros The opportunity to learn from experienced people, flexible hours, and high earning potential. May 18, Helping others achieve financial freedom through thoughtful planning. Browse the latest job openings in Doylestown. Share Your Experiences. Try Enhanced Profile Free for a Month Explore the many benefits of having a premium branded profile on Glassdoor, like increased influence and advanced analytics. Foundations Financial Partners. See if they’re hiring! Upload a resume to easily apply to jobs from. View All num of num Close Esc. Pros People are awesome, and foundations investment advisors glassdoo friendly! August 7, May 17, Foundations Financial Partners. Website www. Pros Team atmosphere but allows for independent work. Flexible hours.
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