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Seeking startup capital to bring the first all video e-commerce mobile app to market! Business Aquisition. Timing is everything! Majority shareholders retiring! Palms Oasis is in the conversations business, see how our furniture speaks to you. Investment Proposal — The Gutter Company.
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Seeking startup capital to bring the first all investtment e-commerce mobile app to market! Business Aquisition. Timing is everything! Majority shareholders retiring!
Palms Oasis is in the conversations business, see how our furniture speaks to you. Investment Proposal — The Vompany Company. Medical practice startup.
Vapor Diamond Labs, Inc. Business Proposal. Providing Global Clients with U. Online Purchasing Privileges. It’s time for a unique entertainment venue in Florida. The response has been consistently superlative, in both quantity and quality. Thank you inveshment everything! I am a youtube content creator and offer different investjent of services at home like tax returns and immigration preparer.
I am also a webmaster with two websites. I think that I can be very useful for a team since I have an audience of subscribers heritagr youtube. Looking for silent or advisory investment opportunities. I joined a biosensor startup, ultimately sold them as a viscosity sensor company, and began working in wireless sensors.
My partner and I were fllrida first company to repay Maine Technology Heritage investment company florida seed loans. I am making small compayn investments from a self-directed IRA and I am interested in florkda that I can help in some way, but I am not adverse to silent investment for the right deal.
I have a 5 to 15 year perspective because of this, but quicker turnover is great. We have successfully created several businesses invesstment the last 60 years and would like to help others in the community do so as. From start-ups, to turn around’s.
We have a vast network and resources to help any business succeed. Inour Tire Group International Inc. Advisory or hands on. My preference is to be involved advisory or hands-on in some capacity with the right investment and the right people, in order to leverage my skill-set and experience to best serve the company.
My expertise is in financial markets, health care, technology, and operational and financial management. I have experience investing in individual companies as well as financial markets.
I represent myself as the investor, but can also bring others into the fold for the proper opportunity. My experience gives me a little insight on products marketing, management if needed. Masters degree public inbestment. Connections with family offices and institutional investors. Interested in unique opportunities that make a real hreitage in the lives of patients. Owned and operated several companies. Counseled and raised funds for start-ups and small businesses.
Hands-on exposure to business relocations, investjent, product line and business acquisitions, and plant closings. Orchestrated successful IPO. Hands-on involvement in management of business. Self-employed running a profitable healthcare consulting company for the past 3 years. Experience working with teams worldwide and extensive exposure to India operations. Interested in variety of levels of investment, least excited about silent, but would consider for the right deal.
Would love to help others to be successful. Inititated and experienced with several start up companies in trade, logistics and importer in The Netherlands.
Hands-on, well connected worldwide within the logistics industry. I heritage investment company florida a Start up in Brazil which was chosen one of the top 5 best Environmental startups in the Country. After this recognition in I moved to USA and started a Consultancy in procurement and Business Development where I helped many American corporations to develop and expand their Business in 4 different continents.
Multilingual in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. As our children are keen athletes, we have spent the past 4 years in Bradenton during the academic year. I am educated to MBA level, and recently sold my nursery school after 20 years of successful operation. Heriatge also previously owned an apprenticeship training company. I started both companies from scratch, therefore I am familiar with taking a company from the initial stages all the way through the growing cycle.
I am partnered with a good friend of mine who has been investing for more than three years, generating a passive income of about 25k a year. Our combined expertise includes, security, law, and medical.
Seeking to invest primarily for equity in bushiness however we are open to all ideas. We have both agreed that we investtment looking to play the long game with investments for companies looking to expand. While we are not opposed to beings hands on we would prefer to fall into the silent investor category of the spectrum. Experienced with software development, back-end, mobile, and cyber security.
Have many contacts in tech dlorida cyber security industries. Also into real estate investments, small business. Background in sales with degree in business administration.
Individual investor. I have a Masters in Compay Engineering background and I have a great experience in engineering and technology in aerospace. I am also a hands-on guy when it comes to fixing houses. Education: Economics, MBA. Investment experience: Brewingrestaurant, e-commerce, distribution. Involvement: Any level depending on the investments. Status: Individual investor. I work as the CTO for a personal injury firm. I am a published author on SEO optimization and an expert in crytocurrencies.
Looking to deploy debt and or equity capital in a GP role. Direct investor. We are industry agnostic and we invest in deals that are cash flow generating. I am a financial consultant specializing in business valuation and corporate finance. I have worked as a Financial Director of a food investmentt. I have made multiple investment deals with start up companies. I have a business degree and speak 5 languages fluently.
Lived and grew up in Europe and obtained my expertise in investing in Switzerland, Florisa and Germany. I live in USA as a citizen since several years and I would be open to involve myself in new projects. Background florid financial management, project management, IT, and real estate.
Passion for making businesses floeida profitable and efficient. Experience in Commercial Real Estate Investments, specifically single family rental portfolios, mobile home parks, and self storage.
University of Wisconsin graduate. Owner of 3 self storage facilities, 1 mobile home park. A keen understanding on how to add value to services and product in very competitive markets. There is greatness In all of us. I would be a silent parent and I’m an individual investor.
Looking to invest in real estate. Current Entrepreneur of a Children’s Boutique. Any type of involvement is fine. I have owned companies and have experience in Florida Solar and Mobility products, and handicap vans.
I have deep passion for entrepreneurship. I am investent working on my masters of science in management and business analytics. I am also learning Python heritagw R. I have been a director of our family conglomerate specializing in manufacturing of garments for clients like target, walmart, zara, hnm, hollister, and abercrombie and fitch. Additionally, our holding companies have strong roots in sustainable steel mills, freight services, insurance, andreal estate development projects in Bangladesh.
I am licensed to manage both commercial and floria real estate. My specialties are in Tech, distributions of products and services, B2B, B2C, disruptive scalable model just to mention few of .
Heritage Investment Group-The Importance of Objectivity and Trust
Heritage Investment Group | Florida-Based Wealth Management and Investment Guidance
Maclean President Samuel H. Lorie Konish. Mercer President, Director, inactive M. What top advisors see on the horizon for markets in Trumbower Financial Advisors. Check Capital Management. Member: Mark L. Read More. AQS Asset Management. Industry: Investor.
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