Read More Sustainability We take a holistic approach to integrating sustainability opportunities and risks, alongside conventional financial and market considerations, so as to make better-informed decisions. Additionally, income from the reserves supplements government revenues. Government of Singapore. Next, the Policy Portfolio is made up of six core asset classes and aims to achieve superior returns over the long horizon and is the main driver of long-term returns. Retrieved 13 May Its mission is to preserve and enhance the international purchasing power of the reserves, with the aim to achieve good long-term returns above global inflation over the investment time horizon of 20 years.
Steady returns above global inflation
GIC Private Limitedformerly known as Government of Singapore Investment Corporationis a sovereign wealth fund established by the Government ptte Singapore in to manage Singapore’s foreign reserves. Its mission is to preserve and enhance the international purchasing power of the reserves, with the aim to achieve good long-term returns above global inflation over the investment time horizon of 20 years. With a network of 10 offices in key financial capitals around the world, GIC invests internationally in developed market equities, emerging market equities, ilmited bonds and cash, inflation-linked bonds, private equity and real gic special investments pte limited. InGoh Keng Swee, then first Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the Monetary Authority of Singapore MASsaw the trend of Singapore’s rapidly growing foreign reserves and decided to invest Singapore’s reserves for the future of the nation and the welfare of its people. The government then embarked on a change in investment policy by investing the bulk of its foreign reserves in longer-term, high-yielding assets rather than in liquid but low-yielding assets.
Steady returns above global inflation
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A focus on long-term drivers of return
GIC Private Limitedformerly known as Government of Singapore Investment Corporationis a sovereign wealth fund established by the Government of Singapore in to manage Singapore’s foreign reserves. Its mission is to preserve and enhance the international purchasing power of the reserves, with the aim to achieve good long-term returns above global inflation over the investment time horizon of 20 years.
With a network of 10 offices in key financial capitals around the world, GIC invests internationally in developed market equities, emerging market equities, nominal bonds and cash, inflation-linked bonds, private equity and real estate. InGoh Keng Swee, then first Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the Monetary Authority gic special investments pte limited Singapore MASsaw the trend of Singapore’s rapidly growing foreign reserves and decided to invest Singapore’s reserves for the future of the nation and the welfare of its people.
The government then embarked on a change in investment policy by investing the bulk of its foreign reserves in longer-term, high-yielding assets rather than in liquid but low-yielding assets.
In the late s, four of its most senior positions were held by former Monetary Authority of Singapore officers. GIC has the ability to invest across a full spectrum of financial assets, from sovereign debt to infrastructure, and manages approximately 80 per cent of its portfolio in-house. Traditionally, GIC has kept a low profile in its investments. The management of the complex, Tishman Speyer Properties and BlackRock Realty, defaulted on their loan ineffectively wiping out the investment. It also stated that other investments made at that time have had positive returns which offset the losses on UBS.
GIC’s total portfolio has fully recovered to its value prior to the global financial crisis. InGIC published for the first time a report containing information on its year returns and more information on how it is managed and governed, and how it invests Singapore’s foreign reserves.
GIC does not disclose the amount of funds it manages and its annual profit and loss. Revealing the exact amount would expose the full size of Singapore’s financial reserves and make it easier for speculators to attack the Singapore dollar during periods of vulnerability. SinceGIC had also published the 5-year and year nominal rates of return to provide a sense of the ongoing medium-term investment performance, even while GIC maintains its sights on the long term.
It included two composite portfolios and volatility statistics to reflect the level of portfolio risk and to offer perspective in reading the 5-year and year figures. For the year ended 31 Marchits annualised year real rate of return was 3. As a Fifth Schedule company under the Singapore Constitution, GIC is accountable in various key areas to the President of Singapore who is empowered under the constitution to obtain information to enable him to safeguard the country’s reserves.
The Auditor-General, who is appointed by the President of Singapore, submits an annual report to the President and Parliament on his audit of the Government and other bodies managing public funds. GIC manages risk by investing in a well-diversified portfolio, with a balanced distribution of asset classes and their underlying business sectors and geographies. This, too, is why GIC’s performance has to be measured on the basis of its overall portfolio rather than by how much it makes or loses on individual investments.
GIC implemented a new investment framework in to give it more flexibility to focus on «investments that may be riskier in the short term but would generate returns in the long-term. The new framework defines more clearly GIC’s risk and return drivers, its long-term investment objectives and the responsibilities of the GIC board and management.
It characterises the risk that the Government is prepared for GIC to take in its long-term investment strategies. Next, the Policy Portfolio is made up of six core asset classes and aims to achieve superior returns over the long horizon and is the main driver of long-term returns.
Last is the Active Portfolio, which seeks to outperform the Policy Portfolio, is of skill-based strategies, adopted by GIC’s management within risk limits. The skill-based strategies includes choosing investment opportunities within each asset class and investing in asset classes not contained in the simplified Policy Portfolio and cross-asset class strategies. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Singaporean sovereign wealth fund.
Channel NewsAsia. Retrieved 15 January Retrieved 21 March Singapore: Singapore University Press. Government of Singapore Investment Corporation is Formed. National Library Board Singapore. Retrieved 30 May Retrieved 27 September Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute. NY Times. Retrieved 4 May GIC homepage. Archived from the original on 22 April Retrieved 13 May Retrieved 21 August Retrieved 30 July Archived from the original on 15 April Retrieved 29 December Singapore Ministry of Finance.
Retrieved 22 October Archived from the original PDF on 27 October Oxford SWF Project. Archived from the original on 26 April International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Fund. Archived from the original on 30 December Archived from the original on gic special investments pte limited September Retrieved 8 October Categories : Government-owned companies of Singapore Financial services companies established in Sovereign wealth funds establishments in Singapore Finance in Singapore.
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Read More Our Values We maintain certainty of purpose and thoughtfulness in direction, remaining true to our core values and principles. Sustainability We take a holistic approach to integrating sustainability opportunities and risks, alongside conventional financial and market considerations, so as to make better-informed decisions. International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Fund. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 21 August The Auditor-General, who is appointed by the President of Singapore, submits an annual report to the President and Parliament on his audit of the Government and other bodies managing public funds. Archived from invstments original PDF on 27 October Read More Governance Our Client, the Singapore Government, sets the investment objective, risk parameters and investment horizon for the portfolio. Its mission is to preserve and enhance the international purchasing power of the reserves, with the aim to pge good long-term returns above global inflation over the investment time horizon of 20 years. Our mandate is to preserve and enhance the international purchasing power of the reserves we manage. Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute. Oxford SWF Project. Privacy Statement Terms of Use.
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