Chiluba’s wife Regina was arrested on September 3 for allegedly receiving money and property stolen by Chiluba during his time in office, despite having previously been released after the case against her had been dropped on August In May , the government announced that it had recovered nearly 60 million dollars in money and assets allegedly stolen during Chiluba’s presidency. By , Zambia was struggling economically.
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Zambia Daily Mail. In addition, his wife Regina was arrested for receiving stolen goods. The «parentage clause» was inserted after the advent of multi-party democracy in Zambia cjiluba by then-President Frederick Chiluba tradiny prevent his bitter rival, Kenneth Kaunda — the first post-independence leader whose father was born in what is now Malawi, from running for office. Presidents of Zambia. Chiluba’s relationship with President Mwanawasa and the MMD soured badly after he was charged with corruption. He and several leaders in ZCTU were detained in by President Kenneth Kaunda chiluba trading & investments calling a wildcat strike that paralyzed most of the Zambian economy. Les ambivalences dans la caricature des dirigeants politiques. Archived from the original on ByZambia was struggling economically.
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