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Bill gates invests in nuclear energy

bill gates invests in nuclear energy

In his year-end letter for , Gates notes that «we had hoped to build a pilot project in China, but recent policy changes here in the U. Bellevue, Washington , United States. TerraPower is led by chief executive officer Chris Levesque.

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The most common reactors use light or regular water as a coolant. Emergy company wants to develop a molten-chloride prototype byand the laboratory will be used to test reactor materials in the meantime. John Gilleland, the company’s chief technology officer, told Business Insider that molten chloride designs are the «ultimate green reactor. Nuclear energy grew into prominence after 20th-century scientists figured out how to harness the atom’s power, but high costs and safety concerns over dangerous radioactive waste have deterred many countries from investing in it. Nuclear energy is produced when radioactive fuel is put into a reactor to trigger fission — a process in which the nucleus of an atom splits within a reactor core. In light-water reactors, solid fuel sits within cladding, or corrosion-resistant metal that prevents radioactive pieces from contaminating the coolant.

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bill gates invests in nuclear energy
At least for now, Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates is pulling back on nuclear power. He hasn’t changed his mind on the science—he puts his blame on the Trump Administration’s bitter relationship with China. Gates invested in TerraPower in with the hope of helping to prove the company’s core concept: a so-called traveling-wave reactor TWR which would run on depleted uranium, as opposed to the enriched uranium commonly used in nuclear plants. The concept is appealing on several levels—not only would its small design lower the currently rising price of nuclear energy, it would actually consume the trash pumped out by today’s modern reactors. In , the company signed a deal with the Chinese government to be a small demonstration plant to be constructed by

When Bill Gates talks, people listen. And today, Bill Gates is talking about nuclear energy. Gates believes that if we are able to expand access to affordable and clean electricity, it would drastically improve living conditions for millions and would ultimately be a huge step in lifting those people out of poverty. Gates has done more than just write about the benefits of nuclear energy.

The late Paul Allen, who was co-founder of Microsoft Corp. And as more and more organizations and environmental groups stand behind carbon-free nuclear energy, the support for nuclear has never been so vast and varied. Some of the smartest thinkers of our time are calling on us to see nuclear energy for its potential to change the world.

Technology Bill gates invests in nuclear energy. Kelly McPharlin. February 4, Share This. Tweet This. Related Content. Mobile Site Navigation. Fundamentals Expand Navigation. What Is Nuclear Energy? How a Nuclear Reactor Works.

Nuclear Fuel. Nuclear Waste. Nuclear Powers the U. With Clean Energy. Beyond Electricity. Advocacy Expand Navigation. Preserve Nuclear Plants.

Make Regulations Smarter. Build New Reactors. Compete Globally. Nuclear Energy Institute. Advantages Expand Navigation. National Security. Air Quality. Sustainable Development. Electric Vehicles. Resources Expand Navigation. Map of U. Nuclear Plants. Media Assets. Fact Sheets. Delivering the Nuclear Promise. Search submit. Mobile Secondary Navigation. Voices for Nuclear Energy. Take Action.

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Energy Investments Dialogue

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Emerging nuclear power markets. In December India’s Reliance Industries bought a minority stake through one of its subsidiaries. Since then, it has remained relatively low-profile. From trade to security to environmentalism, the Trump administration has taken an aggressive stance toward the Chinese government. John Gilleland. Department of Energy. The major benefit of such reactors is high fuel utilization in a manner that does not require nuclear reprocessing and could eventually eliminate the need to enrich uranium. The 10 Best Cast-Iron Skillets. Wikimedia Commons has media related to TerraPower. In an exclusive interview with Axios, Gates said that setbacks he is facing with TerraPower, a nuclear technology firm he co-founded inhas got him questioning the future of that entire energy source. Mainichi Newspapers. On strategy : TerraPower made a big bet in working in China and with a government-owned entity. Views Read Edit View history. This site uses cookies to enhance your reading experience. Over a period of decades, the reaction moves from the core of the reactor to the outside, thus giving the name «travelling wave». In OctoberU.


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