Prerequisite knowledge requirements All students commencing the programme are expected to be proficient in probability, calculus, matrix algebra and real analysis. Administrative label. Karen Ermel. Holders of degrees from any other countries would not be considered for an interview. Employment report. Career planning questions In the career planning questions you will need to show you have thought about the type of employer you want to work for immediately after graduating and have researched your target organisation s and role. Key information Duration: One year.
Electives provide you with the opportunity to specialise in an area of particular interest or to explore new avenues. The Global Online MBA elective portfolio consists of 14 modules across a number of subject areas which have been newly developed for online learning. You can choose five electives from the portfolio which you will study in the second year of the programme. Supported by our own experienced faculty, many of the electives imerial guest lecturers from industry and other academic institutions who impart their unique insights and real-world experience investmeny the class. As a Global Online MBA student, you can also attend up to two face-to-face electives from our on-campus portfolio.
The Full-Time MBA places an emphasis on the latest thinking and experiences through a wide range of projects, which are designed to make you a well-rounded leader, ready to face the business challenges of the future. Find out from a student on the programme. Find out more. Full-Time MBA. MBA programmes Why Imperial? Key information Duration: 12 months. Next start date: September
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Investment banking imperial college mba provide you with the opportunity to specialise in an area of particular interest or to explore new avenues. The Global Online MBA elective portfolio consists of 14 modules across a number of subject areas which have been newly developed for online learning.
You can choose five electives from the portfolio which you will study in the second year of the programme. Supported by our own experienced faculty, many of the electives include guest lecturers from industry and other academic institutions who impart their unique insights and real-world experience to the class. As a Global Online MBA student, you can also attend up to two face-to-face electives from our on-campus portfolio.
This module covers corporate financial decision-making, specifically, an overview of corporate financial policy, and financial forecasting, financing decisions, corporate investment decisions and valuation, and mergers and acquisitions. Topics covered include fundamental analysis, applications and models related to private equity professionals, management and the entrepreneurs. This module is designed to introduce you to the issues raised by corporate mergers and acquisitions.
The subject is one that calls on the services of many professionals including company executives involved in the initial search and screening of candidates, investment bankers and stockbrokers who may advise on bid tactics, dealing with city regulations and raising finance, corporate lawyers who deal with the documentation and who may present a case if the bid is referred to the anti-trust regulators, and PR consultants who may advise on lobbying various parties and presenting the case for or against the proposed merger to shareholders.
The module integrates knowledge gained earlier in the MBA programme in areas such as accounting and finance, strategic management and organisational behaviour. This module is concerned with building, measuring and managing brands over time, and with how to leverage advertising and the other elements of the marketing communications mix to build and strengthen brand equity.
Firms are increasingly becoming aware that one of their most valuable assets is the brand associated with their products and services. Creating strong brands that deliver customer value, and maintaining and enhancing the strengths of those brands over time, are management imperatives. Given that marketing acts as the boundary spanning activity between the firm and the external environment, nearly everybody will, at some point in their career, wear a marketing hat. Business is a global workplace — if you want to operate successfully in this environment, you have to be international.
This module deals with the major issues faced by companies in international business and marketing. A central theme is a continuing need to balance the competing dimensions of local adaptation and global integration, which means that international managers can neither fully adapt to the demands of local markets nor fully apply globally standardised models.
The challenge in international business is how to reconcile local and global demands from both inside and outside the company. You will develop the skills needed to navigate the dilemma of recognising international differences in culture and behaviour while avoiding stereotyping. Special attention will be paid to strategies for and from emerging markets. Deciding how to price products and services depends heavily upon economic, marketing, and behavioural phenomena.
This module will provide you with a systematic presentation of the factors that need to be considered when setting prices, and will show you how pricing alternatives can be developed. Whereas the emphasis of this module is on one aspect of the marketing mix i. As a result, this module will constantly integrate the pricing decision back into the marketing mix, and evaluate its effectiveness in achieving broader managerial objectives.
The goal of the venture capital module is to understand what venture capital is, how it differs from other types of financing, and the decision-making process with respect to screening and selecting of business proposals, negotiating and structuring the deal, following up on investments, and exiting. This module is structured around the VC process, from deal origination to exit. Even though the venture capital industry worldwide has been growing significantly over the last decades, the industry still retains an air of mystery.
By learning about the VC lifecycle, meeting venture capitalists, and learning about their real-life experiences, you will gain insight into the VC industry. In addition, you will get the opportunity to act as venture capitalist or entrepreneur seeking venture capital finance as part of a simulation offered during the elective. This module gives you the opportunity to develop a detailed understanding of the sources of competitive advantage as well as a clear strategic approach to the understanding of strategic decisions and decision-making.
The module builds on the Strategy core module. The aim, through looking at a variety of case companies, is to discern patterns, teasing out common strategic and leadership characteristics that are the hallmark of breakout companies. These are companies that are not confused about strategy — they evolve and change rapidly. However, a constant feature is the ability to keep things simple and focussed and make the moves that have a big impact on the market.
Whatever the company examined, the evidence amassed in this elective reveals that using a strategic perspective to take entrepreneurial actions are crucial determinants of business success. The Internet, together with other information and communication technologies, continues to revolutionise industries. E-commerce is now a given in many industries, but many incumbent firms rooted in traditional business models struggle to figure out the new terms of competition.
By examining the experience of earlier industry transformations, we attempt to shed light on what may lie ahead for industries currently undergoing upheaval software, telecommunications, music, and other forms of digital content and services. The study of leadership is about how to better manage the challenges we face motivating and inspiring people. The prerequisite of organisational leadership and managerial effectiveness is the capacity to lead and manage oneself.
To this investment banking imperial college mba, the module will take students on an enriching inner journey through which they will learn to unveil and develop their qualities thanks to the empowering experience of deep meditation. The module will integrate notions of holistic wellbeing with positive psychology and eastern philosophy to provide a balanced learning experience connecting knowledge development with practical wisdom.
Managing Negotiations will develop your understanding of the principles, strategies, and tactics of effective negotiation and professional relationship management. Operations management plans and coordinates all activities in the process of producing and delivering the products goods and services.
Matching supply with demand is one of the most critical steps toward effective operations management for firms. In this module, we will explore how firms can better organise their operations so that they more effectively align their supply with the demand for their products and services.
This module will cover a mix of qualitative and quantitative problems and issues confronting operations managers. The first part of the module details different kinds of business processes, the impact of variability on business processes, and explains how to measure key process parameters like capacity and lead time. The second part of the module focusses on process improvement and examines classic ideas in quality management as well as recent ideas on lean operations.
The module concludes with a brief introduction to inventory management with applications in revenue management. How do you approach a business problem in a structured and efficient way? This module will teach you the fundamental skills of strategic problem solving, based on the techniques of top-tier consulting firms. If you are an aspiring consultant, this module is a great way to prepare for a consulting career and to taste of what consulting is like, or to prepare for case interviews.
This module allows you to put the theory taught on the MBA into practice. Electives available and course outlines are subject to change. Imperial College Business School reserves the right to alter courses whenever they need to be amended or improved. Faculty may also change as and when required. Shape your own programme Electives provide you with the opportunity to specialise in an area of particular interest or to explore new avenues. Administrative label.
Finance Advanced Corporate Finance. Be able to apply the concepts and methods to make financial decisions in real-life cases. Marketing and Analytics Brand Management. Entrepreneurship Venture Capital Finance. Strategic Management Advanced Strategy. Strategic Problem Solving. Find out. Request a brochure. Attend an event. Request a profile review. Apply. The quality of online learning materials is absolutely outstanding. The administrative staff really get to know each individual and are always ready to assist you with any issues that might arise.
Academic staff members are experts who are highly regarded professionals. Jane Mills. Core modules Global Experience Week.
MBA ADMISSIONS TIPS // Imperial College Business School
Karen Ermel. Career planning questions In the career planning questions you will need to show you have thought about the type of employer you want to work for immediately after graduating and have researched your target organisation s and role. Apply. Whilst we want our students to hit imperlal ground running, we understand that you will also be looking to develop gaps in your skillset to prepare for your chosen career and you will need to address this in the career planning questions. The eFinancialCareers ranking builds on our recent top ranking by the Financial Times for the percentage of students investment banking imperial college mba iinvestment three months of completing our MSc Finance programme. Student insights: joining a Careers Club committee. Published 13 October Meet recruitment representatives in London to discover our diverse range of Master’s programmes. MSc Finance. Location: Address. Mastering the application process: Your questions answered webinar. Chat to our students.
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