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Indian investment in afghanistan

Besides producing 42 MW power, this Indo-Afghan friendship dam provides irrigation for 75, hectares of farmland in the Chisti Sharif district. Still, I do not read all these developments as the Taliban dictating the process though I read these as their strengths. Canada Mexico United States. That is why it stayed away from any type of engagement with the Taliban. Fatemeh Aman.

As the United States contemplates leaving, New Delhi quietly reaches out to the Taliban.

Saturday, December 28, Log in Register. Pakistan Defence. Heavy Indian Investment in Afghanistan. Feb 16, 1. Feb 16, 2. Please let Indians do anything they can to help Afghans but make it clear to them to not do anything against the stability of Pakistan.

As the United States contemplates leaving, New Delhi quietly reaches out to the Taliban.

India has never been able to make up its mind about Afghanistan, and now the stakes are higher, and more pressing, than ever. Should it engage, officially or unofficially, with Pakistan-backed groups such as the Afghan Taliban—or not? An unfolding breakthrough between the United States and the Taliban, which seems to promise a full U. Officially, India maintains support for an Afghan-owned, Afghan-led reconciliation process. New Delhi wants the Kabul government to be the key player in the talks with the Taliban.

Saturday, December 28, Log in Register. Pakistan Defence. Heavy Indian Investment in Afghanistan. Feb 16, 1.

Feb 16, 2. Please let Indians do anything they can to help Afghans but make it clear to them to not do anything against the stability of Pakistan.

I really think it would be great to make Indians partners for Afghanistan’s better future, if both of Pakistan and India could somehow understand that this is in good of all of the three countries.

Last edited: Feb 16, Feb 16, 3. New Recruit. Feb 19, 4. Indian investment in afghanistan 19, 5. Feb 20, 6. Indians are obviously not aware of how strong the taliban are. Afghan government’s power is limited to Kabul and even there, they have a hard time. India is up for a huge disappointment considering the fact that Pakistani intelligence knows afghanistan like it knows pakistan.

India can do whatever it wants but make sure it doesn’t piss Pak ij off because itll be up for a big surprise. Feb 20, 7. Feb 20, 8. Feb 20, 9. Feb 20, Indiaj is the real «investment» done by india Feb 22, When some foreign companies are trying to find mineral deposits in Afghanistan, it is in the interest of Afghans to understand that the agreement has to be worked out in a way that nobody could take any undue special advantage of their lack of knowledge or uncertainty about the amount and future value of mineral deposits.

If they are not careful themselves, foreigners would continue to come to their country and make riches while giving a few officials heavy bribes to write agreements that would favor foreigners. When we talk about potential value of any mineral deposit, it can ivnestment grossly misstated by even a factor of hundred times and even if you afghanistab a few international experts, they could also make wrong statements about the value of deposits. It would be better to write the agreement that zfghanistan given to Afghan people does not depend on any potential value, it depends afbhanistan a percentage of future realized value that follows the physical extraction of minerals.

There could be several other safeguards in the agrement that can make sure nobody could play with the wealth that belongs to the Afghan people. Last edited: Feb 22, You must log in or sign up to reply. Show Ignored Content. Similar Threads. Replies: Views: 24, Stealth Oct 18, Indian firms eye huge mining investment in Afghanistan.

Replies: 43 Views: 2, Replies: 0 Views: Mytime Dec 7, Nivestment 9 Views: Replies: 1 Views: ivnestment Your inbestment or email address: Do you already have an account? No, create an account. Yes, my password is: Forgot your password? Search Media New Media. Top Receivers Top Givers.

After its fall, India together with the international community indian investment in afghanistan the coalition government that took control, but relations and contacts ended with the outbreak of another civil war, which brought to power the Taliban, an Islamist militia supported by Pakistan. SRKR Apr 06, am. There afghanistaj a general perception that the United States in particular and the western community in general are quite comfortable indian investment in afghanistan agreeing to everything that the Taliban ask for provided they make two commitments: one, they do not allow the revival of al Qaeda and, two, they fight against IS that is now reported to be based in jndian mountains between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Huma Baqai. Officially, India maintains xfghanistan for an Afghan-owned, Afghan-led reconciliation process. This has proved a viable alternative route for the duty-free movement of goods through the Chabahar port in Iran to Afghanistan. Another major issue for Iran is drug trafficking. Komal s Apr 06, am. These are big red lines for New Delhi.


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