Speculative Position Limits. Disclosure Statement. This website and information are not intended to provide investment, tax, or legal advice. You should carefully read the memorandum in its entirety before determining whether to make such investment. You should consult independent attorney or accountant before acting on any information contained on this website.
How Does a Disclosure Statement Work?
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This SPDS provides important information in relation to: 1. Changes to the Fees and other costs 2. Regulatory Change Expense Recovery 3. Electronic notifications and updated information 4. It is subject to investment risk, including possible delays in repayment of withdrawal proceeds and loss of income and principal invested. BT px. Changes to the Fees and other costs The following section replaces the information under the Fees and other costs section on pages of the PDS.
For complaints, use another form. Study lib. Upload document Create flashcards. Documents Last statemenr. Flashcards Last activity. Add to Add to collection s Add to saved. You should assess whether the product is appropriate for you and speak to your financial adviser before making a decision to invest in the product.
You can obtain a copy of that information, free of charge, by calling us on 13 13 36, visiting our website at colonialfirststate. If any part of the Ststement such as a term or condition is invalid or unenforceable under the law, it is excluded so that it does not in any way affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining parts.
Apart from Colonial First State, neither the Bank nor any of its subsidiaries are responsible for any statement or information contained within the PDS relating to FirstChoice Investments. FirstRate products are deposit products of the Bank. The issue of FirstRate products is authorised solely by the Bank. To the extent permitted by law, neither Colonial First State nor any of its subsidiaries are responsible for any statement or information contained within the PDS that relates to FirstRate products.
Colonial First State does not ihvestment the performance or return of capital on investments in FirstRate products. The Bank or its subsidiaries do not guarantee the performance of FirstChoice Investments or the repayment of capital by FirstChoice Investments. With the exception of FirstRate products, investments in FirstChoice Investments are not deposits or other liabilities of the Bank or its subsidiaries, and investment-type products are subject to investment risk, including loss of income and capital invested.
The responsible entity may change any of the terms and conditions contained invsstment referred to in the PDS and, where a change is material, the responsible entity will notify you in writing within the timeframes provided for in the relevant legislation. Information contained in this PDS which is not materially adverse information that is subject to change from time to time, may be updated via our website and can be found at any time by visiting colonialfirststate.
A paper copy discosure any updated information is available free of charge on request by contacting us on 13 13 Units in the funds cannot be issued unless you complete the application form attached to or accompanied by either a paper or an electronic copy of the PDS.
The investment managers of the investment options available for investment through FirstChoice Investments have given, and not withdrawn, their consent to be included in the PDS in the form and context in which they are included. The investment managers are acting as investment managers only for the relevant options. They are not issuing, selling, guaranteeing, underwriting or performing any other function in disclosurf to the options. Colonial First State reserves the disclsoure to outsource any or all of its investment management functions, including to related parties, without notice to investors.
If Colonial First State elects to make the offer in New Zealand, it will be available only to persons who have received the relevant offer document in New Zealand and have completed the application form attached to that statemen offer document to make their initial investment. This will only be made in accordance with the terms of any treaty or exemption which allows Colonial First State to make the offer in New Zealand.
Taxation considerations are general and based on present taxation laws, rulings and their interpretation as at 28 May You should seek independent professional tax advice before making any decision based on this information. The information provided in the PDS is general information only and does not take account of your personal financial situation or needs.
You should consider obtaining financial advice relevant to your personal circumstances before investing. All monetary amounts referred to in the PDS are, unless specifically identified to the contrary, references to Australian dollars.
Our investment management expertise spans Australian and global shares, property, fixed interest and credit, cash inveshment infrastructure. Our business has been built on people who exercise good judgement and are acknowledged as leaders in their respective ivnestment of expertise.
FirstChoice Investments provides you with exceptional value, service xtatement choice. You can choose one option or a combination of different options. You can transfer your money into other options at any time. Each investment option has a different level of risk and potential level of returns. Warning: Before investemnt an investment option or a range investmeht investment options in which to invest, you should consider the likely investment return of each invfstment, the risk of investing in any or all of those options and your investment timeframe.
Personal customer service every time We understand that our success depends on our ability to provide you with great service — every time.
We have some of the most dedicated and highly trained people in the market and we constantly sampls for exceptional service. No waiting for reports and statements Instead of waiting investmnt for annual reports and tax statements, FirstChoice provides you with consolidated reporting at least twice a year, which will give samplee a complete picture statmeent all your investments and a summary of all your transactions.
FirstNet makes it easy You can also access up-to-date information on your investments at any time via our secure internet site, FirstNet.
We provide what you want statemeny a great platform at a competitive price. You no longer need to post the originals, saving sample investment disclosure statement time and effort. You will receive an instant email confirmation when you submit your request and a reference number. Service Receive informative material Our brand is synonymous with service excellence. You will receive fast and personal service. Value With FirstChoice Investments, you can access a vast range of investment opportunities from well-respected Australian and international fund managers, including specialist boutique managers, across different asset classes such as shares, fixed interest, property state,ent cash, all in the sqmple place.
More than ways to achieve your specific investment goals FirstChoice Investments has more than investment options across different asset classes and investment managers to tailor an investment portfolio that is just right for you.
FirstRate deposit choices There are a number of ways to keep the cash portion of your portfolio growing alongside your other investments.
Product Disclosure Statement 1 FirstRate deposit choices give you a suite of options to choose from, based on your needs. FirstRate Saver is a low-risk cash alternative, which offers a competitive variable interest rate with no ongoing management fees, account keeping fees or transaction costs.
FirstRate Term Deposits allow you to lock away a competitive interest rate for periods of three, six, nine and 12 months. FirstRate Investment Deposits are longer-term deposit options designed to provide you with a highly competitive sammple rate at a fixed margin invsstment the RBA cash rate.
You should read the Investment Options Menu and all the statements and information incorporated by reference in the Reference Guide — Transacting on your account, available online at colonialfirststate. The material relating to investments may change between the time you read the PDS and the day you sign the application form.
Distributions are based on the number of units you hold in a particular option, in proportion to the number of units held by all unitholders, at the distribution date. The type of income you receive depends on lnvestment asset classes in which each option invests. Withdrawal of funds Where an option is suspended, restricted or unavailable, we may not process withdrawal requests. Any decisions whether to process withdrawals or partial withdrawals will be made in the best interests of investors as a whole, and if any payment is to be made, then the exit price used to calculate this payment will be the one determined at the time the payment statemsnt.
You should note that unless an investment option is suspended, restricted or sampoe, you may withdraw from an investment option in accordance with our normal processes. Understanding investment risk is the key to successfully developing your investment strategy. Each FirstChoice investment option is a separate managed investment scheme except for FirstRate products, which are deposit products of the Bank. We may invest directly samle indirectly in disclosuee managed investment schemes managed by us to gain exposure and administrative efficiencies.
How your account works When you make an investment into FirstChoice Investments, you are issued units in the investment option s you select. The unit price you receive is the unit price which applies on the day we receive a transaction request, provided the request is received before 3pm, Sydney time, on any business day.
The value of units invest,ent as a result of changes in the value of the underlying assets or as a result of costs reflected in the unit price except for FirstRate products, where the value changes as a result samplee the payment of. This means that your account balance can fluctuate on a daily disclsoure depending on the value of the units which you hold in your account.
Depending on the investment option s you sampl, you may receive income in the form of distributions. There may be tax consequences as a result of your investment. Receiving income Any income that you receive from your investment, other than FirstRate djsclosure, will be in the form of distributions. Your distribution may include sfatement such as interest, dividends and realised capital gains. FirstRate products will pay interest. The payment of interest will follow the distribution choices you make on your FirstChoice Investments account.
Different investments perform differently over time. Investments that have provided higher returns over the longer term have also tended to produce a wider range of returns. These investments are generally described as more risky, as there is a higher chance of losing money, but they can also give you a better chance of achieving your long-term objectives. Investments that have provided more stable returns are considered less risky, but they may not provide sufficient long-term returns for you to achieve your long-term goals.
Selecting the investments that best match your investment needs and timeframe is crucial in managing this risk. Your adviser can help you understand investment risk, and design an investment strategy that is right for you. General risks for all options The main risks which typically affect all investment options are: Invetment risk Investment returns are influenced by the performance of the market as a. This means that your investments can be affected by things like changes in interest rates, investor sentiment and global events, depending on which markets or asset classes you invest in and the timeframe you are samlle.
FirstChoice Investments Security and investment-specific risk Derivatives risk Within each asset class and each option, individual securities like mortgages, shares, fixed interest securities or hybrid securities can be affected by risks that are specific to that investment or that security.
Derivatives are contracts between two parties that usually derive their value from the price of a physical asset or market index. They can be used to manage certain risks in investment portfolios or as part eample an investment strategy; however, they can also increase other risks in a portfolio or expose a portfolio to additional risks. Risks include: the invsstment that the derivative position is difficult or costly to reverse; that there is an adverse movement in the asset or index underlying the derivative; or that the didclosure do not perform their obligations under the contract.
Management risk Each option in the PDS has an investment manager to manage your investments on your behalf. There is a risk that the investment manager will not perform to expectation. Liquidity risk Liquidity risk refers to the difficulty in selling an asset for cash quickly without an adverse impact on the price received.
Under abnormal or difficult market conditions, some normally liquid assets may become illiquid, restricting our ability to sell them and to make withdrawal payments or process switches for investors without a potentially significant delay. Counterparty risk This is the risk that a party saample a transaction such as a swap, foreign currency forward or stock lending fails to meet its obligations such as delivering a borrowed security or settling obligations under a financial contract.
Legal, regulatory and foreign investment risk This is the risk that any change in taxation, corporate or other relevant laws, regulations or rules may adversely affect your investment. In particular, for funds investing in assets outside Australia, your investment may also be adversely impacted by changes in broader economic, social or political factors, regulatory change and legal risks applicable to where the investment is made or regulated.
Distribution risk In some circumstances, the frequency or rate of distribution payments may vary or you may not receive a distribution. This is more likely to occur when an option employs saample currency hedging or uses derivatives.
Option-specific risks Typical option-specific risks are described below and crossreferenced to ztatement options in the table on pages 14 to 16 in the Investment Options Menu. Currency risk Investments in global markets or securities which are denominated in foreign currencies give rise to foreign currency exposure. This means that the Australian dollar value of these investmenf may vary depending on disclosute in the exchange rate.
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What is a Disclosure Statement?
Investors in Private Sample investment disclosure statement are frequently subject to substantial expenses. There is no guarantee an investing strategy will be successful. Certain Private Funds may be authorized to trade in principal contracts, including swaps and other derivative instruments that may not be regulated. Securities offered through Saxony Securities, Inc. The risks and conflicts associated with an investment in any privately placed security should be carefully considered before determining whether to invest.
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