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There are very few people in Nepal who solely invest in high amounts. So for country like Nepal, one of the major sources of investment is bank. A business establishment that safeguards peoples money and use it to make loan and investment is known as bank. Bank is an institution which deals with money and credit widely known as manufacturer of credit and machines for facilitating exchanges. In other words, a bank is an institution that deals with money and by accepting various types of deposits, disbursing bepal and rendering other financial services.
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Nepal Investment Bank
There are very few people in Nepal who solely invest in high amounts. So for country like Nepal, one of the major sources of investment is bank. A business establishment that safeguards peoples money and use it to make loan and investment is known as bank. Bank is an institution which deals with money and credit widely known as manufacturer of credit and machines for facilitating exchanges. In other words, a bank is an institution that deals with money and by accepting various types of deposits, disbursing loan and rendering other financial services.
Since banks are rendering a wide range of services to the people of different walks of life, they have become an essential part of modern society. Nepal investment bank was established in the year A number of its branches in different locations add my interest to study it.
Furthermore, as the bank was rewarded as Bank of the year I am keenly interested in studying its investment strategy as it is nepal investment bank battisputali source of income generation required for sound functionalism of the bank. Also, through this studywe will be able to know about the contribution of investment to its total income and henceforth, the profit position of the bank.
The size of the money supply and the methods of controlling it have become highly crucial factor for the government in pursuing their economic policies. One of the major financial institutions of the country which help to utilize and control the supply and demand of money is Bank of the country.
A bank is an financial institution, which deals with money and credit. It accepts deposits from the public and mobilizes the fund to productive sectors. Many economist and constitution of the country has defined the banks in there own ways, some of them are written below: According to US Law Any kind of institution offering deposits subject to withdrawal on demand and making loans of a commercial or business nature is a bank.
According to R. S Sayers ordinary banking business consists of changing cash for bank deposits and bank deposits for cash; transferring bank deposits from one person or corporation to another; giving bank deposits in exchange for bills of exchange, government bonds, the secured or promises of businessmen to repay.
According to Oxford Dictionary Bank is an organization or place that provides a financial service. In conclusion we can say a bank is an financial institution which accepts deposits from the public and in turn, advance loan to business and personal customers. It offers the widest range of financial services like credit, saving, payment sources and perform the widest range of financial functions of any business firm in the economy. Bank is the most important source of any business firm, in the economy and financial activities.
Cash collecting from the saver and provides loan to the investor is the measure function of bank. It is an agent or say act as bridge between the savers and investors. They use to exchange gold, silver coins and deposits with written document like Goldsmiths Note which was considered as equivalent to money.
This type of exchange was rapacious, money lender use to exploit the borrowers greatly. But without a doubt the services they provide was necessary and had great importance. Seeing the importance of lending and borrowing of the financial resources, demand and supply of money, 2. Banks does the same function and regulates the same services that goldsmith and merchants use to provide but in more systematic way. Bank does not exploit the borrowers it give the loan in reasonable.
Banks doesnt only provide loan but it accept deposits and give interest to depositer, it also carry out the works of creating credit, issuing notes bills of exchanges and promissory note.
The derivation of the word Bank according to Thomsons Dictionary of banking is done from Italian word Banco meaning a bench. However Macleod does not agrees and says that word bank is derived from the German word Back which mean join stock fund and the German word Bank came to used as its Italian equivalent Monti and was Italianized into Banco and the loans were called in differently Monti or Banchi.
The first bank in the world was established in A. D in Italy know as Bank of Venice After that a lot of other banks were established in different place of the world. Some of them are Bank of Barcelona in A. D and Bank of Hindustan was established in year A. After the establishment of Bank of England the idea of establishing commercial banking rapidly spread all over the world. To make the task much easier various types of other banks emerged in banking industry specializing in different functional areas.
Some of such specializing banks are development banks, co-operative banks, industrial banks, agricultural banks, saving banks, merchant funds, pension funds, housing bank, equipment bank, building banks. The head of all banks is central bank of the country. It develops the policy for all the banks and makes regulations also which are to be followed by every other bank.
Central bank is the father of other banks. Central bank alone can not function well, commercial banks also play very important role in mobilizing the resources in any developing countries by removing the habit of hoarding, developing the banking habit among the people, collecting the scattered resources in one bulk and utilizing them in further productivity purpose and rendering other valuable services to the country.
Like in other countries, Nepals banking history begins with goldsmith an d merchants. In B. This institution provided loan but didnt accept deposits. Later in true sense, banking function in Nepal started with the establishment of Nepal Bank Ltd, in year B. After wardsNepal Rastra Bank the central bank of Nepal 3. Rastriya Banijaya Bank was established in B.
After democracy, there is tremendous development in banking sector. Other banks like exchange bank, cooperative banks are also established in Nepal. Commercial banks are the heart of financial system of the country. They held the deposit of many persons, government establishment and business units. They make fund available to borrowers, individuals, and business firm and government establishment. In doing so, they assist both the flow of goods and policy is affected. This facts shows the commercial banking system of the nation is important to the function of the economy.
This bank was fully owned by the government. After the year B. Number of banks and financial institutions and their branches is constantly increasing. List of some different licensed commercial banks that has been established in Nepal under the Commercial bank Act are given. Nabil Bank Ltd. Nepal Investment Bank Ltd. Standard Chartered Bank Ltd. Himalayan Bank Ltd. Nepal Bangladesh Bank Ltd.
Everest Bank Ltd. Machhapuchhre Bank Ltd. Lumbini Bank Ltd. Development Credit Bank Ltd. Kumari Bank Ltd. Laxmi Bank Ltd. Siddhartha Bank Ltd. Global Bank Ltd. Sunrise Bank Ltd. Bank Of Asia Nepal Ltd. Citizens Bank International Ltd. Prime Bank Ltd. The name of the bank has been changed to Nepal Investment Bank Ltd upon the approval of banks annual general meeting, Nepal Rastra Bank and Company Registrars office with the following shareholding structure.
Over the past 7 years, this bank has grown to become one of the biggest commercial bank in Nepal. This bank has helped to fulfill growing requirements of credit and collects deposits for the development project and support in the business. It is the no. Every bank has its definite objectives. These banks also have some strategic objectives which are as follows: To develop the customer oriented service culture with special emphasis on customer care and convenience.
To increase a market share by following the disciplined growth strategy. To develop innovative products and services that attracts our customers and market segments. To continue to develop products and services that reduces cost of our funds.
To explore new avenues for growth and profitability. In case of Investment Bank Board of Directors governs it. There is one chairman and seven directors in Bank. The bank is managed by highly experienced personals. Board of Directors: MR. Person who invests is called investor it can be natural or artificial person. When investor does the investment they have to consider two major aspects one is Risk and other is Return.
Return can be considered as the primary motive for the investment, whereas risk is obstacle to reach the target. Risk and profit are inter-related, higher the risk higher the profit and vice versa. Investor can buy stock, bonds of companies or deposits into bank; buy a land, gold or silver, all these activities involve sacrificing of present money in the expectation of future return so they are all investment.
The objective of the investment is to maximize Profit and Wealth of the investor. Investment can be of two types Real Investment or Financial Investment.
How to load fund in eSewa from Nepal Investment Bank-Internet banking
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