Follow us. Let us know if we’re missing any workplace or industry recognition — Add Awards. Mutual Funds involve risk, including possible loss of principal.
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Good group of people to work. Senior employees are proactive about sharing their knowledge and management supports continued education. Nothing substantial, living in G,obal is not for everyone and worth considering before seeking a job with Swan. Let us know if we’re missing any workplace or industry recognition — Add Awards. View All num of num Close Esc. Swan Global Investments. Connect with our community.
Swan Global Investments Overview
The market is unpredictable, making it difficult to plan long-term outcomes. With this in mind, we developed our Defined Risk Strategy in as a way to offer our clients a distinctive, innovative tool that is always invested for consistent long-term returns while remaining always hedged to protect portfolios from large market declines. The goal: to achieve consistent long-term returns while minimizing the downside risk of the equity markets. To participate in equity markets. No stock picking or market timing. To mitigate risks of bear markets.
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In addition to the risks generally associated with investing in securities of foreign companies, countries with emerging markets also may have relatively unstable governments, social and legal systems that do not protect shareholders, economies based on only a few industries, and swan global investments logo markets that trade a small number of issues. If un-hedged, written calls expose the Fund to potentially unlimited losses. Download 1-Page Brochure. Important Risk Information Mutual Funds involve risk, including possible loss of principal. There is no guarantee the Fund will meet its objective. Investing Redefined — Sinceour hedging and options strategies have been redefining investing to directly address the biggest threat long-term investors face: market risk. Swan Defined Risk Fund. Invedtments mitigate risks of bear markets. Market risk is too big a threat to investors to be dealt with passively. Investors should carefully consider the investment objective, risks, charges and expenses of the Swan Defined Risk Funds. Senior employees are proactive about sharing their knowledge and management supports continued education. This generally means targeting a slightly higher capture in upward-moving markets. Swan Global Investments. For a prospectus please call Swan Defined Risk Fund at Important Disclosures- Please read: ETFs are subject to investment advisory and other expenses, which will be indirectly paid by the Fund. ETFs are subject to investment advisory and other expenses, which will knvestments swan global investments logo paid by the Fund.
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