Investments in condoms outperform any stock or fund. Source: Funthingsdotcom. During Wedding, The Wife Vomits. Your article was successfully shared with the contacts you provided. Free unlimited access to ThinkAdvisor.
To calculate ROI, the benefit or return of an investment is divided by the cost of the investment. The result is expressed as a percentage or a ratio. Because ROI is measured as a percentage, it can be easily compared with returns from other investments, allowing one to measure a variety of types of investments against one. ROI is a popular metric because of its versatility and simplicity. The calculation itself is not too complicated, and it is relatively easy to interpret for its wide range of applications. But if other opportunities with higher ROIs are available, these signals can help investors eliminate or select the best options. Humor on return on investment, investors should avoid negative ROIswhich imply a net loss.
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Like all industries, business has its own set of terms. Since learning about and understanding how businesses work is crucial to success, even as a small one-person run business, it’s important to know these terms. Return on investment represents the financial benefit received from an investment. Basically, it’s a measure of what you get back compared to what you put in. It’s used in many areas of finance, as well as in business. In business, it’s most often used to determine the effectiveness of marking, although that’s not the only area you can measure ROI.
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