Please contact us for more information. Any comparisons against indices are for illustrative purposes only. Performance is calculated on a total return basis, net of fees, in sterling terms. The products and services described on this website may not be suitable for all investors. We have met management multiple times in recent years and believe Agilent will continue to expand as tailwinds from environmental regulation and rising healthcare spending support increased demand for analytical instruments.
Trojan Equity TJN is an investment company with a focus on absolute returns to investors. TJN was first listed on Australian stock market on June 3, Trojan Equity’s key focus is on absolute returns to investors. It is a stock picker, not a market timer. It may also participate in short selling and risk arbitrage opportunities, however, short selling and arbitrage are not a core element of the investment strategy. TJN’s customers include general investors and fund managers.
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How to Invest
Trojan Equity TJN is an investment company with a focus on absolute returns to investors. TJN was first listed on Australian stock market on June 3, Trojan Equity’s key focus is on absolute returns to investors. It is a torjan picker, not a market investtment. It may also participate in short selling and risk arbitrage opportunities, however, short selling and arbitrage are not a core element of the investment strategy.
TJN’s customers include general investors and fund managers. Competitors include other investment companies, funds and trusts. The investment objective of the Company are to apply a disciplined approach to its investing; provide a rate of return to its shareholders through combination of capital growth and income, provide shareholders with franked dividends and preserve trojan investment management capital of the Company.
Investmrnt Company operates in the share trading business segment in Australia. The Manager was incorporated on 27 November to provide stock market advice to high net worth individuals and institutions and to undertake the management of investment companies and funds. In addition, the Company may participate in short selling and risk arbitrage opportunities where there is a compelling reason to do so. Jnvestment, short selling and arbitrage are not a core element of the Company’s business.
The Company’s key focus is on absolute returns to investors. As such the Company’s performance should not be benchmarked against any equity index. The Manager displays discipline and patience. The Manager managemebt not feel compelled to make investments on behalf of the Company unless it can identify situations which meet its investment criteria. See more recommended trading books. Trojan Equity TJN. Further Reading. Resources Blog News Top Recommended Articles. Company Profiles.
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