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Funny quotes about investing money

funny quotes about investing money

It is better to hang out with people better than you. Though investing in a savings account is a sure bet, your gains will be minimal given the extremely low-interest rates. Rich people makes money when the stock market goes up, rich people makes even more money when the stock market goes down. Profit from folly rather than participate in it.

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When there’s a will, I want to be in it. If there is a «WILL», there are relatives. I always dream of being a millionaire like my uncle! He’s dreaming. Me: I am so glad I saved all this money. Me again: It’s time to spend it, you know you want to. Invseting your favorite childhood memory?

funny quotes about investing money
When it comes to the world of investing , three words come to mind: overwhelming, intimidating, and scary. For us «regular Joes,» the questions seem never-ending. On that note, let’s revisit what experts have said over the years on the topic of investing. Though markets may change, good investing advice is timeless. When it comes to investing, nothing will pay off more than educating yourself. Do the necessary research, study, and analysis before making any investment decisions.

When there’s a will, I want to be in it. If there is a «WILL», there are relatives. I always dream of being a millionaire like my uncle! He’s dreaming ahout. Me: I am qutoes glad I saved all this money. Me again: It’s funny quotes about investing money to spend it, you know you want to. What’s your favorite childhood memory?

Not paying bills. All my bills say «Outstanding. Staying in bed all day is my way of saving money. I thought I wanted a career. Turns out all I wanted is paychecks. And so ends another week without me getting rich unexpectedly.

They say that love is more important than money, but have you ever tried to abbout your bills with a hug? If lying was a job some people would be billionaires. I don’t understand people who say «I don’t know how to thank you. I’d like to live like a poor man — only with lots of money.

Sometimes I just want someone to hug me investjng say «I know it’s monej, but you’ll be okay. Here’s a coffee and a million dollars. When people ask me what is more important, food or love, I don’t answer because I’m eating. I looked into my wallet and it was empty, I looked through mmoney my pockets and they were all. Then I looked into my heart and I found you, and only then I figured out how rich I. I’m stuck between «I need to save money» and «You only live.

The hardest thing to find in life is happiness — money is only hard to find because it gets wasted trying to find happiness. I think something’s missing in my life Dear Santa, this year I’d like a fat bank account, and a thin body I always intended to pay for my sins, but I could never afford it. Why must I prove that I am me when I pay bills over the phone? Did some else call to pay my bills, and if they did, why don’t you let them?

My wallet funby like an onion, opening it makes me. Due to current economic conditions the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned quoted. The hardest thing mony the world to understand is the income tax.

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Statements Time Quotes. Life Quotes Phone Witty Quotes. Albert Einstein.

Warren Buffett’s Best Advice on Successful Investing


Related and Popular. Show me where you spend your money and I’ll tell you what they are. Funnny the name and just came up with his quote! Definitely enjoyed. Budgets can be made for a variety of individual or business needs or just about anything else that makes and spends money.


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