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Zanzibar investment promotion authority

zanzibar investment promotion authority

Notification letter ZIPA. Mon: — Tue: — Wed: — Thu: — Fri: — Investment certificate application letter Zipa. Police clearance Certificate Simple copy Police Clearance certificate from country of origin and country of residence of each shareholder and directors. Comments about the step in general. Latest Tenders. Obtain land — for investors.


We think you have liked this presentation. If you wish to download it, please recommend it to your friends in any social. Share buttons are a little bit lower. Thank you! Published by Magnus Morton Modified over 4 years ago. A land area of sq km. It recognizes that investors need to recover their Investment Costs first before paying corporate tax.

United Republic of Tanzania Partners

zanzibar investment promotion authority
Please click here to read important information on application of work and residence permits. New Application For each post to be filled by non-citizen, investor shall apply in writing to ZIPA for a work and residence permits, prior to the arrival of the applicant in Zanzibar and submit together with the application the following documents:. Renewal of Work Permit. Work permit is valid for one year and can be renewed. Where a work permit is about to expire and the applicant is eligible for renewal, investor shall apply to ZIPA for the renewal, at least 14 working days before expiry date of the permit. The application shall be made in writing and accompanied with the following documents:. Replacement of Residence Permit.

Kohteen ZIPA merkitykset englanniksi

Obtain certificate of uathority. We are however not directly affiliated with the company, its divisions, branches or contacts. Contact details. Type of permit. Comments about requirements. Services to investors. Privacy Policy Site Map. Type of permit. Passport Simple copy Of each shareholder. Include recourse information. Application form Certificate of investment original. Mon: — Tue: — Wed: — Thu: — Fri: — Type of tourism auhority. Zipa receipt for application form Simple copy. Curriculum vitae C.


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