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Investment pattern of government employees

investment pattern of government employees

Rajarajan 10 in his study revealed that there was an association between the lifestyle clusters and investment related characteristics. Equity Shares Sometimes, the customers wait long to get those error free sales as the dealing personnel have to take the permission from the manager concerned. In addition, Carrefour, Boots and others are also expected to come in. Jung and Marshal , using the data between and for 37 developed countries, applied the Granger Causality Test and indicated that there was a causality relationship between the increase in export and economic growth. Secondary Data: This data is collected from investment preferences for the same.

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Journal of Management Research and Analysis

investment pattern of government employees
Toggle navigation. Date: 02 nd August, Abstract: All the citizens are engaged in various activities depending on the knowledge availability of funds and feasibility of return from the activities to generate income for meeting the basic requirements of the human being. After meeting the basic requirements if there is any balance, it is kept as the saving which can be utilized for the future requirement. If the saving of the individual is kept in the home or locker, there will not be any return from the saving.

Toggle navigation. Date: 02 nd August, Abstract: All the citizens are engaged in various activities depending on the knowledge availability of funds investment pattern of government employees feasibility of return from the activities to generate income for meeting the basic requirements of the human. After meeting empllyees basic requirements if there is any balance, it is kept as the saving which can be utilized for the future requirement. If the saving of the individual is kept in the home or locker, there will not be any return from the saving.

Instead of keeping the savings idle without any income. If is invested in the outside, adequate income may be generated from the savings. Hence all the people try to invest the amount saved in various nature of investment to get maximum return. The investors based on their choice select different area for investment share market is considered one of the best are of investment.

Normally in all business goods and services are bought and sold. While in the share market shares, debentures and bonds issued by the Government and Public limited companies are bought and sold. In olden days due to lake of adequate literacy the awareness about the share market was very poor. After some time some emplotees the people entered in share market business directly.

Some of item involved in share business with the help of agents and brokers. All most all business there is a possibility for getting profit or loss in the business. But in most of the business if it is managed properly with planned mechanism, surely we can expect considerable return from the business based on the volume of capital invested in it. We have developed well in all business when compared with the status of business pqttern at the time of independence.

Government employees in Madurai have considerable savings as the cost of living of the City is comparatively less than other employeees in Tamil Nadu and also in India. Further nowadays the government offers better salary to the government employees due to the policy of pay commission of the government of India. After meeting the family requirement every month considerable amount is kept for savings they prefer to utilize their savings in investment where they can get more rate of return for their investment.

Most of the government employees are well educated and have more experience in various fields. But they do not have thorough knowledge in the investment area to get return for their investment. They must be given awareness about the area of investment and rate of return from various nature of investment.

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Raja Shekhartheir studied the retailing sector investment pattern of government employees of both tangible and intangible factors while assessing the service quality and measuring service quality in retailing is different from any other sector or segment. Indexing List. Tata group Established inTrent — one of the subsidiaries of Tata Group — operates Westside, a lifestyle retail chain and Star India Bazaar — a hypermarket with a large assortment of products at the lowest prices. The study by M. The Telecom 6 15 5 26 investment objectives may tend to vary variations in the municati monthly expenditure of Government employees. The social changes also have a positive impact leading to the rapid growth in the retailing industry. By Journal ijmr. Paul Clifford S. Farid A. Skip to main content. One per cent level: Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis ‘there is variation in quality of services desired by the customers’ is accepted. Parasuraman, Valarie Zeithaml, Berry conducted focus group interviews in different service industries and developed list of service quality attributes to define service quality in general perspective. Parikh mentioned that good service quality means the customers’ perception on service performance should meet or exceed their expectations of what the retail sector firm should provide. As the calculated Chi- Table 4: Showing the relationship between No. The objective will be attained by unit root testing investment pattern of government employees the time series.


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