British Virgin Islands. Huatai Life Insurance Co. Cerulean Properties, LLC. Instituto AES Brasil.
The Bank of England is the central bankresponsible for issuing currency, and retains responsibility for monetary policy and is the central bank of the UK. The Royal Mintwhich ih the coinage circulated over the whole of the UK, has been based at a single site in LlantrisantRhondda Cynon Taf sincehaving progressively transferred operations from their Tower HillLondon site from Thus the gap in living standards between Wales and more prosperous parts of the UK is not as pronounced. As the capital city of Wales, Cardiff is the main engine of growth in the Welsh economy and the significant service centre and economic driver for the wider south Wales economy. Until the mid 18th century, economic development in Wales was restricted by its peripheral location, predominantly upland topography, bad communications and sparse population.
4 officers / 3 resignations
The Charity Commission for England and Wales is the non-ministerial government department that regulates registered charities in England and Wales and maintains the Central Register of Charities. The commission has four sites in London , Taunton , Liverpool and Newport. Its website lists the latest accounts submitted by charities in England and Wales. Some charities are not subject to regulation by or registration with the Charity Commission, because they are already regulated by another body, and are known as exempt charities. Most exempt charities are listed in Schedule 3 to the Charities Act , but some charities are made exempt by other acts. However exempt charities must still comply with charity law and may approach the Charity Commission for advice.
Filter officers
The Charity Commission for England and Wales is the non-ministerial government department that regulates registered charities in England and Wales and maintains the Central Register of Charities. The commission has four sites in LondonTauntonLiverpool and Newport. Its website lists the latest accounts submitted by charities in England and Wales. Some charities are not subject to regulation by or registration with the Charity Commission, because they are already regulated by another body, and are known as exempt charities.
Most exempt charities are listed in Schedule 3 to the Charities Actbut some charities are made exempt by other acts. However exempt charities must still comply with charity law and may approach the Charity Commission for advice.
Some charities are ‘excepted’ from charity registration. This means they do not have to register or invextments annual returns, but are in all other respects subject to regulation by the Charity Commission. Nevertheless, it remains subject to regulation by the Charity Commission in all other respects. Registration of a charity in England and Wales does not endow that status elsewhere, thus further registration has to be made before operating in Scotland or Northern Ireland.
The Commission carries out general monitoring of charities as part of its regular casework. It also has powers set out in the Charities Acts to conduct statutory investigations. However, opening a full statutory inquiry into a charity has a detrimental effect on the relationship with the regulator and can frustrate the intention to achieve a positive outcome. The Commission therefore began around to carry out an internationl form of action described as regulatory compliance investigations.
In it opened over of these cases, compared to just three full statutory investigations. However, the legality of these actions was debatable as they lacked a statutory basis. A high-profile example was the Commission’s report into The Atlantic Bridgeafter which that body was dissolved in September The Commission announced in Octoberin the context of cost-cutting and a re-focussing of its activities, that it would no longer carry out invstments compliance investigations.
Some of the activities of the Commission have been questioned by the Public Administration Select Committeewhich oversees the Commission’s work. Prior to the s, a body of Commissioners had been established by the Statue of Charitable Usesbut these proved ineffective. There had been several attempts at reforming charities before that which had been opposed by various interest groups including the church, the courts, the companies, and the universities.
The Charities Act established its current structure and investmwnts. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Charity regulator in England and Wales. For other uses, see Charities Commission disambiguation. Central Register of Charities. United Kingdom portal.
Charity Commission for England and Wales. Retrieved 17 June Retrieved 8 March Civil Society. Retrieved 21 October The National Archives. Elson May Department for Cv international investments in wales and england Innovation and Skills.
March Sift Media. Retrieved 1 May The London Gazette. Departments of Her Ehgland Government. Category Commons. Hidden categories: All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from Internstional Articles with permanently dead external links CS1: Julian—Gregorian uncertainty Articles with short description Use dmy dates from May Use British English from May Articles containing potentially dated statements from March All articles containing potentially dated statements.
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