Get out of the tow truck and plant a Sticky Bomb on the back doors and then step away and detonate it. Prologue Franklin and Lamar. Richards S and I Fought the Law
Government Corruption
The target: an armored car filled with funds the Agency earned from drug sales. Haines wants you to «requisition» those funds for the Bureau. After the agents leave, Michael comes up with a plan: «classic blitz play. Soon, Michael makes a conference call to his two partners with more details. This unlocks the heist setups missions with each contact point marked as H S on the map. Inveestment will need:.
Steve and Dave want to steal funds from the IAA which they earned from drug sales, and they want Michael, Trevor and Franklin to do it for them. The three go their separate ways. Michael later makes a call to Franklin and Trevor. A suitable getaway vehicle will also have to be sourced. At the start of the mission itself, the three meet up at the oilfield. Michael outlines the plan and tells Trevor to go and find somewhere high up to be the lookout. Following the short cutscene showing the target inbound, drive a short distance up the road and block the marked location with the garbage truck, making sure to block both lanes of the street.
Gold Medals
Steve and Dave want to steal funds from the IAA which they earned tga drug sales, and they want Michael, Trevor and Franklin to do it for. The three go their separate ways. Michael later makes a call to Franklin and Trevor. A suitable getaway vehicle will also have to be sourced.
At the start of the mission itself, the three meet up at the oilfield. Michael outlines the plan and tells Trevor to go and find somewhere high up to be the lookout. Following the short cutscene showing the target inbound, drive a short distance up the road and block the marked location with the garbage truck, making sure to block both lanes of the street.
The target armored van will approach, before stopping. At this point, you will be switched to Franklin, who is driving the tow truck down the nearby alleyway. Ram the armored van with the tow truck. Get out of the tow truck and plant a Sticky Bomb onto the back doors of the armored van, get away from the bomb, and detonate. Michael will raid the van for blihz the crew are.
The occupants of the van hit the panick button, and the cops are now hot and heavy onto the trio. Follow Michael to the holdout position. Take cover behind the barricades and eliminate the incoming waves of cops, switching between each of the characters as necessary, and when prompted blitx, in order to get the job. When the area immediately in front of Michael and Franklin is largely clear, cops will emerge from the alleyway behind.
Three snipers will position themselves on the rooftops of the front buildings in front of Franklin. Switch to Trevor and pick them off. Then switch back to Michael and clear out the incoming cops on the ground. When prompted, switch back to Trevor and using his rocket launcher, take down the incoming police helicopter.
With the chopper down, clear out the remaining cops. With the cops thinning out, switch to Franklin and make a dash for the garbage truck, and enter it.
Once Franklin has left the area, he will call Michael. After the phone call ends, you will be switched to Michael. Drive to Devin Weston’s Mansion, marked on your map, to complete the mission.
Michael will call Franklin after the mission to inform him of the opportunity discussed with Devin. Objectives Enter in the Garbage Truck After the cutscene, get gta 5 blitz play investment the garbage truck. Block the road with the garbage truck Following the short cutscene showing the target inbound, drive a short distance up the road and block the marked location with the garbage truck, making sure to block both lanes of the street.
Hit the armored truck with the Investmdnt Truck The target armored van will approach, before stopping. Plant the Sticky Bomb on the back of the armored truck and detonate Get out of the tow truck and plant a Sticky Bomb onto the back doors of the armored van, get away from the bomb, and detonate. Hold the police is coming from the street The occupants of the van hit the panick button, gt the cops are now hot and heavy onto the trio. Hold the police that is coming from behind When the area immediately in front of Michael and Franklin is largely clear, cops will emerge from the alleyway behind.
Kill all the snipers on the front buildings Three snipers will position themselves on the rooftops of the front buildings in front of Franklin. Destroy the police helicopter When prompted, switch back to Trevor and using his rocket launcher, take down the incoming police helicopter.
Enter in the garbage truck With the cops thinning out, switch to Franklin and make a dash for the garbage truck, and enter it.
Go to the getaway vehicle Drive to the getaway ingestment, and exit the truck. Destroy the garbage truck Plant a Sticky Investmfnt on the truck to destroy it or do so by some other means. Leave the area With the truck destroyed, get in the getaway vehicle, and leave the area. Headshots — Kill 12 enemies with a headshot. Accuracy — Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 60 percent. Switcher — Switch characters at least 10 times.
Blitz Play
Prologue Franklin and Lamar. Cleaning out the Bureau. Friends Reunited. After the cutscene, park the garbage truck horizontally so that it blocks both lanes of the street. Headshots — Kill 12 enemies with a headshot. Amanda De Santa. Blitz Play The Plat Score. This unlocks the heist setups missions with each contact point marked as H S on the map. Franklin about to ram the Securicar. Switch to Trevor and pick them off.
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