For many, if not most, people, index funds are best. Money you can sock away for five to 10 years or longer is probably best allocated to stocks, but market fluctuations make the stock market a poor choice for money you might need relatively quickly. In exchange for not touching the money, the bank offers you a higher interest rate than the 0. Here are five low-risk places to invest your money for a few years. Join Stock Advisor. Image source: Author.
What to consider
Our number one goal shory DollarSprout is foool help readers improve their financial lives, and we regularly partner with ahort that share that same vision. Some of the links in this post may be from our partners. Most often, people in this situation are saving for a short-term goal — a down payment on a houseshiny new car, or planning for kids in the not-too-distant future. When most people think of investments, they think of things like stocksbondsk s, and IRAs. These types of investments and investment vehicles are typically part of a long-term investment portfolio used to fund goals like saving for college funding retirement. A short-term investment, on the other hand, grows for several months to years. Once it matures, the investment can be cashed in for its full value.
1. High-yield savings accounts
So the most important thing investors should be looking for in a short-term investment is safety. Short-term investments are those you make for less than three years. If you have a longer time horizon — at least three to five years and longer is better — you can look at investments such as stocks. Stocks offer the potential for much higher return. Stocks fluctuate a lot, and the longer time horizon gives you the ability to ride out their ups and downs.
Active funds vs. passive funds
Whether an investment is appropriate for your portfolio depends on your projected holding period. Money you can sock away for five to 10 years or longer is probably best allocated to stocks, but shrot fluctuations make the stock market a poor choice for money you might need relatively quickly. As a general rule, the best short-term investments are those that put preserving capital ahead of growing it.
Here are three short-term investments fit for any investor. Certificates of deposit bridge the gap between savings and investing. A certificate of deposit is a deposit that is locked in at a bank for a set period of time, from one month to as long as 10 years. The bank will pay you a higher interest rate on your savings, knowing that you intend to keep your money in the bank for a longer period of time.
But be sure to shop. Most national banks pay very little on their certificates of deposit. Many smaller and faster-growing banks, however, are frequently looking for long-term deposits, and willing to pay a premium interest rate to attract new accounts. The difference may seem small, but as the chart below shows, a higher interest rate will generate significantly more interest income over the life of the CD. Many institutions with bank-like names are, unfortunately, not FDIC insured. Before buying a CD, you need to onvestment confident that you won’t need to make an early withdrawal.
If you expect to need your cash in one year, then buy a ferm CD to match your needs. I-Bonds purchased from the U. Treasury can be a great short-term investment. I-Bonds are a way to lend money to the U. Your money is guaranteed to grow at least as fast as the rate of inflation over time, protecting your spending power. The best short term investments offer safety of principal, liquidity, invfstment current yield.
Image source: Getty Images. Unlike CDs, I-Bonds also allow you to access your money early by paying a small penalty. You can cash in any I-Bond after one year. If you cash in an I-Bond within the first five years, you’ll incur a small penalty of just three months. I-Bonds held for five years or longer can be cashed in with no penalty at all. It’s easy to buy I-Bonds direct best short term investment fool the U. Short-term vest funds offer competitive terk from low-risk investments, in addition to nearly immediate access to your money should you need it.
The only drawback of a short-term bond fund is that your investment is not guaranteed. In market panics, such as the one froma bond fund can generate a negative return. By mid, however, investors were back to even, and have enjoyed positive returns ever. A short-term bond fund is a riskier choice than an I-Bond or CD, but the risk should be weighed with the benefits: There are no penalties for withdrawing your money on a short timeline as there are for CDs or I-Bonds.
Updated: Jul 19, at PM. Published: Apr 26, at AM. Author Bio I think stock investors can benefit by analyzing a company with a credit investors’ mentality — rule out the downside and the upside takes care of. Send me an email by clicking hereor tweet me. Image source: Author. Stock Advisor launched in February of Join Stock Advisor. Related Articles. Prev 1 2 Next.
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1. Certificates of deposit
As a general rule, the best short-term investments are hest that put preserving capital ahead of growing it. The fee is usually several months’ interest, though it depends on how early you withdraw the funds. Treasury and guaranteed to keep pace with inflation. Image source: Author. Image source: Getty Images. What’s wrong with that? It will pay you back the full amount of the bond plus interest by the maturity date.
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