Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. We generally expect that people who come here are not using the forum to build a brand, generate clicks, or shill. The amount of water that it takes to produce a lot of food is astonishing.
A Comparison of Real Estate Investments vs. Stocks
It also comes down to the specifics of the individual investment. Very few stocks would have beat buying beachfront property in California in the s using a lot of debt, and then cashing in twenty years later. If you are interested in this concept, read about basic investing. Find out how a company sells stock in itself and how those shares end up being traded on Wall Street. You may even want to check out investmemt stocks become over- or under-valued to understand what moves stock prices.
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Gold rate today: Gold gains as Moody’s downgrades outlook on India. Gold Rate Today: Gold, silver edge lower on rise in risk appetite. All rights reserved. For reprint rights: Times Syndication Service. Choose your reason below and click on the Report button.
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Market Watch. Pinterest Reddit. Getty Images. By Dhirendra Kumar Like flight attendants do just before a flight takes off, investment advisers also need to repeat two safety announcements periodically. One is about gold and the other, obviously, about real estate. Thankfully, the last few years have made many savers realise that treating real estate as an investment means putting your money into a bottomless pit.
However, gold fever makes a periodic comeback every time gold prices show a little uptick. Given how shaky other investments have been this year, this has excited some savers. However, this is a periodic phenomena in what has otherwise been a very dull investment. The year return of gold is just 8. In any case, the point of investing invesgment not investing in gold is not just about the returnsbut also about the source of those returns. Indian savers are still hostage to the traditional view of gold, which is are water stocks a good investment reddit it is a simple and useful investment, a protection against bad times and all households should invest in it.
The more modern market-oriented view is that gold is a commodity to be traded just like other commodities. However, my belief is that the correct view is something else entirely. Savers can legitimately treat gold as an investment, and it has some unique features. As an investment, like any other, it must be judged according to returns, with liquidity, stability and other such factors being additional parameters. Taking all these into consideration, gold does not make sense. The returns tend to be worse than other investments of similar risk and volatility, and this will always be the case.
The reason is that gold does not actually produce anything or create any value. Any rise in its worth is based on the belief that when the time comes to sell, someone else will pay more for it. Unlike equity or bonds or bank deposits, the money that you invest in gold does not contribute to economic growth.
The same amount of money put into a good business or any other productive economic activity will create wealth. However, a given quantity of gold will remain the same forever. However, those who are actually reading this column obviously have access to a modern financial system and they have no reason to dabble in gold. Gold makes sense only for those who have no access to or no trust in the financial system, or expect to be in such a situation.
Gold-backed mutual funds closely track the value of gold. These are open-ended funds and can be redeemed at arw point. The interest is taxable but the capital gains are tax-free, unlike any other investment available nowadays. A lot of people find it difficult to accept that gold is not a good investment because we instinctively think of gold as permanent wealth, a currency that has survived all kinds of historical troubles.
This is teddit true. Is that enough for gold to be considered an investment by savers in a modern financial system? The answer would have to be no. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this column are that of the writer.
The facts and opinions expressed here do not reflect the views of www. Planning to invest in stocks? Read this article in : Hindi. Read more on Gold. Follow us on. Download et app. Become a member. Mail This Article. My Saved Articles Sign in Sign up. Find this comment offensive? This will alert our moderators to take action Name Reason for reporting: Foul language Slanderous Inciting hatred against a certain community Others.
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Well I hope you plan investmnt hold until the mid ‘s, although I think it’s priced are water stocks a good investment reddit. You could build some huge water harvesters that basically suck water out of the air and store are water stocks a good investment reddit underground. However, don’t hesitate to tell us about a ticker we should know about! Posts that are strictly self-interested or intended to «build awareness» are not acceptable. Post a comment! You are not the first to see The Big Short. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. This has been asked and answered many times in the past. Posts regarding this topic will be automatically removed. Producing 1 kilo of rice, for example, requires about redcit, litres of water, 1 kilo of beef some 15, litres, and a cup of coffee about redfit. Do not post your app, tool, blog, referral code, event. The future will most likely mean that water becomes a scarce resource and thus I would like to see about investing in gpod. Submit a new text post. Worst case scenario, the value of the land will likely rise so your risk of loss is very minimal. Become a Redditor and join one of thousands of communities. My thought is that there’s been an awful lot of posts about this because of «The Big Short», but water is such an enormous part of the world that we live in and something that people do not think about enough or do not think about until you have a situation like you did in California with the reddti drought. Link to logo.
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